The wars of Alexander: an alliterative romance translated chiefly ...

The wars of Alexander: an alliterative romance translated chiefly ...

The wars of Alexander: an alliterative romance translated chiefly ...


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Craton (Crath<strong>an</strong>), s. a poor creature<br />

(), 3078. Cf. Lowl. Sc. cra«,<br />

puny, feeble ; also, as a sb., a<br />

weakling. Godefroy gives O.F.<br />

craton, <strong>of</strong> which the sense is unknown.<br />

Craue, ger. to crave, 4326 ;<br />

(Crauen),<br />

to ask, 887 ; Craue, 2pr.pl 4442 ;<br />

Craues, pr. s. craves, desires, 4497.<br />

<strong>an</strong>d every<br />

<strong>The</strong> last line me<strong>an</strong>s—<br />

'<br />

limb craves, as (it) pleases it, according<br />

to its own desire.'<br />

Create, pp. created, 3390.<br />

Creatour, creature, mortal, 3093 ;<br />

(Creature), creature, 1475, 3281 ;<br />

(Creatur), 1707; Creatours, pi<br />

5534.<br />

Creatoure, creator, 259.<br />

(Credylytt), 25p. cradled, 1707.<br />

Crepis, pr. pi creep, 4025.<br />

Crest, s. crest (<strong>of</strong> the hill), 4790<br />

crest, 1837; Crestis, pi<br />

;<br />

3869,<br />

5126.<br />

Crestyns, pi p<strong>an</strong>niers, vessels for<br />

carrying food, &c., 4687. O.F.<br />

crestin, the same as cretin, a sort<br />

<strong>of</strong> p<strong>an</strong>nier ; Godefroy.<br />

Creuesses, pi crayfishes, 3864.<br />

" Escrevisse, a cre%ace, or crayfish<br />

; " Cotgrave.<br />

Creuessis, ^7. crevices, 4199; Creuesse,<br />

4025. " A creuesse, fissura,<br />

rima;^^ Cath. Angl.<br />

Crie (Cry), cry, proclamation, 981,<br />

1815, 2154 ;<br />

(Crye), 1604.<br />

Crie (Crye), v. cry, proclaim, 2294 ;<br />

ger. 1475 ; Crie (Cry), ger. 2252 ;<br />

Cnes, pr. pi cry, 2138; Cried,<br />

pt. s. 491<br />

;<br />

pt.pl called out, 959.<br />

Cried, pt. s. created, 4446, 4519 ;<br />

pp. 1707, 3.390 {tvhere D. has<br />

Create). O.F. crier, to create<br />

(Roquefort) ; Sp<strong>an</strong>, criar.<br />

Crisopaces, pi chrysoprases, 5274.<br />

Crispe, adj. curly, i. e. woolly, 4476.<br />

Cristall, s. crystal, 2541, 3221, 5280.<br />

Cristen, s. Christi<strong>an</strong>, 3.333.<br />

Cr<strong>of</strong>t, s cr<strong>of</strong>t, small field, 3971.<br />

Croke, pr. pi cross, go sideways,<br />

turn aside, 4872.<br />

Crokid, adj. crooked, 5423.<br />

Crom, ger. to cram, push, 4455<br />

(Cromys), pr. s. crams, thrusts,<br />

2937.<br />

Chronaclis (Cronacles), pi chroiiicles,<br />

940.<br />

Crosse ; Ouire crosse, cross ways,<br />

diagonally, 4872.<br />

Crossis (Crosez),^r. s. crosses, 1049 ;<br />

Crosse (Crossyn), pr. pi cross, go<br />

across, 2459.<br />

Croune, s. crown, 978 ;<br />

(Crowne),<br />

817 ;<br />

(Corone), 1016 ; Croune,<br />

crown <strong>of</strong> the head, 121, 231, 639.<br />

Crouned (Crownyd), pp. crowned,<br />

2280.<br />

Cruell, adj. cruel, 2650.<br />

Cubete, 5. cubit; Cubete lenth,<br />

cubit's length, 3908 ;<br />

Cubettis, j)/.<br />

3987, 5635; Cubet, pi 3338;<br />

Cubetis (Cubettes), 2118.<br />

Cumbre, ger. to oppress, lit. to cumber,<br />

4032; (Combred,/or Combre),<br />

V. trouble, vex, 1471.<br />

Cu[m]furth, 1 pt. s. comforted, 3508.<br />

Cumly, adj. comely, 4917. See<br />

Comly.<br />

Cunnyng, s. knowledge, 4244. See<br />

Connynge.<br />

(Cuntre), country, 742*; (Cuntree),<br />

827*. See Centre.<br />

Cupido, Cupid, 4508, 4542.<br />

Cure, s. care, <strong>an</strong>xiety, 3386 (J^yng is<br />

in the dat. case) ; Cures, pi cares,<br />

4275.<br />

Curre, s. cur, dog, 1804 ; Cure, 748.<br />

Curses, s. pi courses, 28.<br />

Cursid, pp. cursed, 4509.<br />

Cursoure (Coursour), courser, horse,<br />

2881; Cursoures, jsZ. 3629 ; Cursours<br />

(Coursours), 2621 ;<br />

Cursers,<br />

3024.<br />

(Curtasly), adv. courteously, 835*.<br />

Curtassy, courtesy, 5112; (Curtasy),<br />

2718,2743; Curtaissy, 9.<br />

Curtast (Curtasest), adj. superl most<br />

courteous, 2388. Read curtasest,<br />

as in D,<br />

Curte, s. court, 149 ;<br />

(Courte), 887,<br />

900, 981.<br />

Curten, curtain, 860 ;<br />

Curtyns, pi<br />

4916; (Cortyns), 860; Curteyns<br />

(Curtaynez), 1521.<br />

Cussis, pi kisses, 5385.<br />

Custum (Costome), s. custom, 2946.<br />

Cusus (for Curus), Cyrus, .3326<br />

Cusys (Susvs), error for Curys,<br />

i.e. Cyrus, 3219.

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