Feynman Path Integral Formulation

Feynman Path Integral Formulation

Feynman Path Integral Formulation


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1.11 Supersymmetric Strings 49<br />

One way of introducing fermionic degrees of freedom is to look for a supersymmetric<br />

extension of the bosonic string action of Eq. (1.195) (Brink and Schwarz,<br />

1977),<br />

∫<br />

I [g, χ,X,ψ] = 1 2<br />

d 2 σ e[ g ab ∂ a X μ ∂ b X μ + ¯ψ μ iγ a ∂ a ψ μ<br />

+ ¯χ a γ b γ a (∂ b X μ + 1 2 χ b ψ μ )ψ μ ] . (1.229)<br />

Here again X μ (σ,τ) (μ = 1...d) parametrizes the surface, ψ μ (σ,τ) is a twocomponent<br />

Majorana spinor, χ a (σ,τ) a spin- 3 2<br />

gravitino field (a two-component<br />

Majorana spinor and a world-sheet vector), and ea α (σ,τ) a zweibein for the metric<br />

g ab , such that √ g = e. In order to ensure local supersymmetry, g ab and χ a have to be<br />

treated as independent variables. The action of Eq. (1.229) now has a much larger<br />

invariance, which consists of the local supersymmetry transformations<br />

δX μ = ¯ε ψ μ δψ μ = −iγ a ε (∂ a X μ − ¯ψ μ χ a )<br />

δea α = −2i ¯ε γ α χ a δχ a = ∇ a ε , (1.230)<br />

with ε(x) an arbitrary fermionic function. In addition there is the local Weyl (or<br />

conformal) symmetry, already present in the bosonic string,<br />

δX μ = 0 δψ μ = − 1 2 Λψμ<br />

δea α = Λ ea α δχ a = 1 2 Λχ a , (1.231)<br />

with Λ(x) a real function, as well as the purely fermionic local symmetry<br />

δX μ = 0 δψ μ = 0<br />

δea α = 0 δχ a = iγ a η , (1.232)<br />

with η(x) an arbitrary Majorana spinor. The resulting invariance under ε, Λ and η<br />

transformations is denoted as superconformal.<br />

Just as conformal invariance of the bosonic string restricted the Virasoro algebra<br />

for the quantities L m , here the corresponding superconformal symmetry will restrict<br />

the structure of the commutation relations for the quantities L m , F m and G r .One<br />

now finds that the theory is ghost-free provides d = 10 and a = 1/2 in the bosonic<br />

sector, and a = 0 in the fermionic one.<br />

Alternatively one can treat the theory using covariant functional integral methods.<br />

First one needs to fix the superconformal gauge by the choice<br />

g ab (σ,τ) =e 2 (σ,τ) δ ab χ a (σ,τ) =γ a χ(σ,τ) , (1.233)<br />

after which one can integrate out the ψ and X fields (Polyakov, 1981a,b) as was<br />

done in the bosonic case. This gives an effective action for the e and χ fields just<br />

defined,<br />

∫<br />

e −S(e,χ) = [dψ][dX]e −I [g,χ,X,ψ] . (1.234)

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