Feynman Path Integral Formulation

Feynman Path Integral Formulation

Feynman Path Integral Formulation


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5.1 Cosmological Wavefunctions 143<br />

Physically the above expression means that the total quantum-mechanical amplitude<br />

for a particle to arrive at (x,t) is a sum over all possible values x ′ of the total amplitude<br />

to arrive at the (x ′ ,t ′ ) (which is given by Ψ(x ′ ,t ′ ), multiplied by the amplitude<br />

to go from x to x ′ , which is given by the propagator G(x,t;x ′ ,t ′ ). The propagator<br />

itself corresponds to a special situation: the amplitude where the particle started out<br />

at precisely (x ′ ,t ′ ).<br />

Let us recall that in <strong>Feynman</strong>’s formulation of quantum mechanics the propagator<br />

G is expressed as a sum over all paths connecting initial and final points, weighted<br />

by an action I,<br />

∫ x<br />

{ }<br />

f (t f )<br />

ī<br />

G(x f ,t f ;x i ,t i ) ≡〈x f ,t f |x i ,t i 〉 = [dx(t)] exp<br />

h I[x(t)] . (5.4)<br />

x i (t i )<br />

The paths x(t) contributing to the integral are known to be continuous, but not necessarily<br />

differentiable (one can give arguments in support of the statement that differentiable<br />

paths have measure zero), which requires in general that the above integral<br />

be carefully defined on a lattice of N points with spacing a, with the limit a → 0,<br />

N → ∞ taken at the end.<br />

Returning to the gravitational case, the question arises then of how to compute<br />

the path integral in Eq. (5.2), even in the absence of matter, and what boundary<br />

conditions need to be imposed. In gravity the analogue of Eq. (5.4) is the quantum<br />

mechanical amplitude<br />

∫ ( j) g<br />

〈g ( f )<br />

ij<br />

,φ ( f ) |g (i)<br />

ij ,φ(i) 〉 = [dg<br />

g (i)<br />

ij ,φ (i)<br />

ij ,φ ( f )<br />

{<br />

μν ][dφ] exp − 1¯h }<br />

Î(g μν,φ)<br />

, (5.5)<br />

where the functional integral is over all four-geometries that match the initial (i)<br />

and final ( f ) field configurations on the two spacelike surfaces. One noteworthy<br />

aspect of such gravitational amplitudes is the fact that, since all intervening fourgeometries<br />

are summed over, there is no notion of unique intervening proper time<br />

interval: the proper time distance between the two hypersurfaces will depend on the<br />

specific choice of interpolating four-geometry in the ensemble.<br />

As mentioned previously, in computing the ground state wave functional Ψ of<br />

Eq. (5.2) the proposal has been put forward to functionally integrate over all metrics<br />

associated with compact Euclidean four-geometries specified by g μν , with a given<br />

three-metric g ij on the boundary. For obvious reasons this is usually referred to as<br />

the “no-boundary” proposal. It elegantly bypasses the issue of having to specify a<br />

boundary or continuity condition on cosmological singularities, by suitably restricting<br />

the choice of geometries at “initial” times. In this approach the wave functional<br />

for pure gravity is given by (from now on we set again ¯h = 1)<br />

∫<br />

Ψ[g ij ]= [dg μν ] exp { −Î(g μν ) } , (5.6)<br />

M<br />

with an Euclidean action containing both volume (M) and boundary (∂M) terms,

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