Feynman Path Integral Formulation

Feynman Path Integral Formulation

Feynman Path Integral Formulation


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76 3 Gravity in 2 + ε Dimensions<br />

For our purposes it will sufficient to look, in the zero-field case h = 0, at the<br />

β-function of Eq. (3.14) which incorporates, as should already be clear from the<br />

result of Eq. (3.33), a tremendous amount of information about the model. Herein<br />

lies the power of the renormalization group: the knowledge of a handful of functions<br />

[β(g),ζ (g)] is sufficient to completely determine the momentum dependence of all<br />

n-point functions Γ (n) (p i ,g,h,Λ).<br />

One can integrate the β-function equation in Eq. (3.14) to obtain the renormalization<br />

group invariant quantity<br />

( ∫ g<br />

ξ −1 dg ′ )<br />

(g)=m(g)=const. Λ exp −<br />

β(g ′ , (3.34)<br />

)<br />

which is identified with the correlation length appearing, for example, in Eq. (3.25).<br />

The multiplicative constant in front of the expression on the r.h.s. arises as an integration<br />

constant, and cannot be determined from perturbation theory in g. Conversely,<br />

it is easy to verify that ξ is indeed a renormalization group invariant,<br />

ξ [Λ,g(Λ)] = 0, as stated previously in Eq. (3.26).<br />

In the vicinity of the fixed point at g c one can do the integral in Eq. (3.34), using<br />

Eq. (3.15) and the resulting linearized expression for the β-function in the vicinity<br />

of the non-trivial ultraviolet fixed point,<br />

Λ<br />

dΛ d<br />

and one finds<br />

β(g)<br />

∼<br />

g→gc<br />

β ′ (g c )(g − g c )+... (3.35)<br />

ξ −1 (g)=m(g) ∝ Λ |g − g c | ν , (3.36)<br />

with a correlation length exponent ν = −1/β ′ (g c ) ∼ 1/(d − 2)+.... Thus the correlation<br />

length ξ (g) diverges as one approaches the fixed point at g c .<br />

In general the existence of a non-trivial ultraviolet fixed point implies that the<br />

large momentum behavior above two dimensions is not given by naive perturbation<br />

theory; it is given instead by the critical behavior of the renormalized theory. In<br />

the weak coupling, small g phase the scale m can be regarded as a crossover scale<br />

between the free field behavior at large distance scales and the critical behavior<br />

which sets in at large momenta.<br />

In the non-linear σ-model another quantity of physical interest is the function<br />

M 0 (g),<br />

[ ∫ g<br />

M 0 (g)=exp − 1 2<br />

dg ′ ζ ]<br />

(g′ )<br />

0 β(g ′ , (3.37)<br />

)<br />

which is proportional to the order parameter (the magnetization) of the non-linear<br />

σ-model. To one-loop order one finds ζ (g)=<br />

2π 1 (N − 1)g + ... and therefore<br />

M 0 (g)=const.(g c − g) β , (3.38)<br />

with β = 1 2 ν(d −2+η) and η = ζ (g c)−ε. To leading order in the ε expansion one<br />

has for the anomalous dimension of the π field η = ε/(N − 2)+O(ε 2 ). In gauge

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