Feynman Path Integral Formulation

Feynman Path Integral Formulation

Feynman Path Integral Formulation


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176 6 Lattice Regularized Quantum Gravity<br />

⎛<br />

⎞<br />

0 1 0 0<br />

⎜−1 0 0 0⎟<br />

σ 12 = ⎝<br />

⎠ . (6.22)<br />

0 0 0 0<br />

0 0 0 0<br />

For fermions the corresponding spin rotation matrix is then obtained from<br />

[ ]<br />

S = exp i4<br />

γ αβ θ αβ , (6.23)<br />

with generators γ αβ = 1 2i [γα ,γ β ], and with the Dirac matrices γ α satisfying as usual<br />

γ α γ β +γ β γ α = 2η αβ . Taking appropriate traces, one can obtain a direct relationship<br />

between the original rotation matrix R(s,s ′ ) and the corresponding spin rotation<br />

matrix S(s,s ′ )<br />

R αβ = tr ( S † γ α Sγ β<br />

)<br />

/tr1 , (6.24)<br />

which determines the spin rotation matrix up to a sign.<br />

One can consider a sequence of rotations along an arbitrary path P(s 1 ,...,s n+1 )<br />

going through simplices s 1 ...s n+1 , whose combined rotation matrix is given by<br />

R(P) =R(s n+1 ,s n )···R(s 2 ,s 1 ) , (6.25)<br />

and which describes the parallel transport of an arbitrary vector from the interior of<br />

simplex s 1 to the interior of simplex s n+1 ,<br />

φ μ (s n+1 )=R μ ν(P)φ ν (s 1 ) . (6.26)<br />

If the initial and final simplices s n+1 and s 1 coincide, one obtains a closed path<br />

C(s 1 ,...,s n ), for which the associated expectation value can be considered as the<br />

gravitational analog of the Wilson loop. Its combined rotation is given by<br />

R(C) =R(s 1 ,s n )···R(s 2 ,s 1 ) . (6.27)<br />

Under Lorentz transformations within each simplex s i along the path one has a pairwise<br />

cancellation of the Λ(s i ) matrices except at the endpoints, giving in the closed<br />

loop case<br />

R(C) → Λ(s 1 )R(C)Λ T (s 1 ) . (6.28)<br />

Clearly the deviation of the matrix R(C) from unity is a measure of curvature. Also,<br />

the trace trR(C) is independent of the choice of Lorentz frames.<br />

Of particular interest is the elementary loop associated with the smallest nontrivial,<br />

segmented parallel transport path one can build on the lattice. One such<br />

polygonal path in four dimensions is shown in Fig. 6.6. In general consider a<br />

(d − 2)-dimensional simplex (hinge) h, which will be shared by a certain number<br />

m of d-simplices, sequentially labeled by s 1 ...s m , and whose common faces<br />

f (s 1 ,s 2 )... f (s m−1 ,s m ) will also contain the hinge h. Thus in four dimensions several<br />

four-simplices will contain, and therefore encircle, a given triangle (hinge).

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