Feynman Path Integral Formulation

Feynman Path Integral Formulation

Feynman Path Integral Formulation


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4.13 Lattice Regularized Hamiltonian for Gauge Theories 131<br />

A lattice regularized Hamiltonian can be defined on a purely spatial lattice, by<br />

taking the zero lattice spacing limit in the time direction (Kogut, 1983). The process<br />

can be regarded as the inverse to the one usually follows in deriving the <strong>Feynman</strong><br />

path integral from the matrix elements of the quantum time evolution operator e −iHt .<br />

One starts by writing the lattice partition function Z in terms of a product of transfer<br />

matrices T (U t+1 ,U t ) connecting the fields on successive time slices, labeled by t,<br />

and integrated over all intermediate variables U,<br />

∫<br />

Z = trT L = dU t+1 dU t dU t−1 ...T (U t+1 ,U t )T (U t ,U t−1 )T (U t−1 ,U t−2 ) ...<br />

(4.144)<br />

with L is the total time extent of the lattice. In order to take the zero lattice spacing<br />

limit in the time direction, it is convenient to distinguish the lattice spacing in this<br />

direction by the symbol a 0 . Local gauge invariance further allows one to set all the<br />

link variables in the time direction to unity, U n0 = 1, or A a n0<br />

= 0 in this lattice version<br />

of the temporal gauge. Consequently gauge invariance will need to be imposed as a<br />

constraint, which will eventually take the form of a discrete version of Gauss’s law.<br />

With this choice of temporal gauge, the action can be decomposed in a part that<br />

involves only the spatial plaquettes, and a remainder involving pairs of oppositely<br />

oriented link variables separated by a single time step,<br />

I[U] =− 1<br />

4g 2<br />

− 1<br />

4g 2<br />

∑ tr [ UUU † U † + h.c. ]<br />

spatial ✷<br />

∑ tr<br />

spatial <br />

[<br />

]<br />

U nm U n+a † 0 t,m+a 0 t + h.c.<br />

. (4.145)<br />

After labeling the gauge variables on two neighboring time slices by U and U ′ , one<br />

can write the transfer matrix element T (U,U ′ ) as<br />

{<br />

〈U|T |U ′ 1<br />

〉 = exp<br />

4g<br />

∑ 2 tr [ UUU † U † + h.c. ] [<br />

]<br />

+ tr U ′ U ′ U †′ U †′ + h.c.<br />

spatial✷<br />

+ 1<br />

4g 2<br />

∑ tr<br />

links<br />

[<br />

U nm U †′<br />

nm + h.c.] } . (4.146)<br />

In general the matrix elements of the transfer matrix T have a rather complicated<br />

form, but in the limit a 0 → 0 one can write T ≃ 1 − a 0 H + O(a 2 0 ) and extract from<br />

T an expression for the Hamiltonian H. But one notices further that the last two<br />

terms in Eq. (4.146) involve only temporal loops, with two (gauge fixed) links<br />

pointing in the time direction. When written out explicitly, they contain terms of<br />

the type<br />

tr[U † (t + 1)U(t)+h.c.] , (4.147)

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