Feynman Path Integral Formulation

Feynman Path Integral Formulation

Feynman Path Integral Formulation


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112 4 Hamiltonian and Wheeler-DeWitt Equation<br />

while Eq. (4.50) gives the evolution equation for the intrinsic metric,<br />

∂ t g ij (x,t) = { g ij (x,t),H N + H N<br />

}<br />

. (4.53)<br />

Here {A,B} ≡∑ r (∂A/∂q r ∂B/∂ p r − ∂A/∂ p r ∂B/∂q r ) is the classical Poisson<br />

bracket. Its use is motivated here by the fact that the transition from classical to<br />

quantum mechanics can be affected easily by promoting the Poisson bracket to a<br />

quantum commutator,<br />

{H,O} →<br />

i¯h 1 [Ĥ,Ô] , (4.54)<br />

thus leading in a natural and simple way from Eqs. (4.52) and (4.53) to the Heisenberg<br />

equations of motions for the canonically conjugate quantum operators ĝ ij and<br />

ˆπ ij . The quantities H N and H N are given by<br />

∫<br />

∫<br />

H N ≡ d 3 xN(x)H(x) , H N ≡ d 3 xN i (x)H i (x) . (4.55)<br />

In this notation, the Einstein field equations in the absence of sources G μν = 0are<br />

equivalent to the initial value constraint<br />

H(x) =H i (x) =0 , (4.56)<br />

supplemented by the canonical evolution equations of Eqs. (4.52) and (4.53), with<br />

G ij = 0. The quantity<br />

∫<br />

H = d 3 x [ N(x)H(x)+N i (x)H i (x) ] , (4.57)<br />

should then be regarded as the Hamiltonian for classical general relativity. Then<br />

Eq. (4.56) is equivalent to<br />

H = 0 , (4.58)<br />

for all N and N i .<br />

4.6 Matter Source Terms<br />

When matter is added to the Einstein-Hilbert Lagrangian,<br />

I[g,φ] = 1 ∫<br />

d 4 x √ g 4 R[g μν (x)] + I φ [g μν ,φ] , (4.59)<br />

16πG<br />

where φ(x) are some matter fields, it is easy to see that the action within the ADM<br />

parametrization of the metric coordinates needs to be modified to<br />

∫<br />

I[g,π,φ,π φ ,N] = dt d 3 x ( 1<br />

16πG πij ∂ t g ij + π φ ∂ t φ − NT− N i )<br />

T i . (4.60)

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