Feynman Path Integral Formulation

Feynman Path Integral Formulation

Feynman Path Integral Formulation


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3.7 Running of α(μ) in Gauge Theories 99<br />

with<br />

for small r, and<br />

e<br />

4π r →<br />

e Q(r) (3.137)<br />

4π r<br />

Q(r) =1 + α<br />

3π ln 1<br />

m 2 + ... mr ≪ 1 (3.138)<br />

r2 Q(r) =1 +<br />

α<br />

4 √ π (mr) 3/2 e−2mr + ... mr ≫ 1 , (3.139)<br />

for large r. Here the normalization is such that the potential at infinity has Q(∞)=<br />

1. 3 The reason we have belabored this example is to show that the screening vacuum<br />

polarization contribution would have dramatic effects in QED if for some reason<br />

the particle running through the fermion loop diagram had a much smaller (or even<br />

close to zero) mass. There are two interesting aspects of the (one-loop) result of<br />

Eqs. (3.138) and (3.139). The first one is that the exponentially small size of the<br />

correction at large r is linked with the fact that the electron mass m e is not too small:<br />

the range of the correction term is ξ = 2¯h/mc = 0.78 × 10 −10 cm, but would have<br />

been much larger if the electron mass had been a lot smaller.<br />

In QCD (and related Yang-Mills theories) radiative corrections are also known to<br />

alter significantly the behavior of the static potential at short distances. The changes<br />

in the potential are best expressed in terms of the running strong coupling constant<br />

α S (μ), whose scale dependence is determined by the celebrated beta function of<br />

SU(3) QCD with n f light fermion flavors<br />

μ ∂α S<br />

∂μ = 2β(α S)=− β 0<br />

2π α2 S − β 1<br />

4π 2 α3 S − β 2<br />

64π 3 α4 S − ... (3.140)<br />

with β 0 = 11− 2 3 n f , β 1 = 51− 19<br />

3 n f , and β 2 = 2857− 5033<br />

9 n f + 325<br />

27 n2 f . The solution<br />

of the renormalization group equation of Eq. (3.140) then gives for the running of<br />

α S (μ)<br />

[<br />

4π<br />

α S (μ) =<br />

β 0 ln μ 2 /Λ 2 1 − 2β 1<br />

ln[ln μ 2 /Λ 2 MS ]<br />

]<br />

β 2 MS 0<br />

ln μ 2 /Λ 2 + ... , (3.141)<br />

MS<br />

(see Fig. 3.8). The non-perturbative scale Λ MS<br />

appears as an integration constant<br />

of the renormalization group equations, and is therefore - by construction - scale<br />

independent. The physical value of Λ MS<br />

cannot be fixed from perturbation theory<br />

alone, and needs to be determined by experiment, giving Λ MS<br />

≃ 220MeV.<br />

In principle one can solve for Λ MS<br />

in terms of the coupling at any scale, and in<br />

particular at the cutoff scale Λ, obtaining<br />

3 The running of the fine structure constant has recently been verified experimentally at LEP. The<br />

scale dependence of the vacuum polarization effects gives a fine structure constant changing from<br />

α(0) ∼ 1/137.036 at atomic distances to about α(m Z0 ) ∼ 1/128.978 at energies comparable to the<br />

Z 0 boson mass, in good agreement with the theoretical renormalization group prediction.

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