Feynman Path Integral Formulation

Feynman Path Integral Formulation

Feynman Path Integral Formulation


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9.6 Quantum Gravity and Mach’s Principle 321<br />

9.6 Quantum Gravity and Mach’s Principle<br />

The essence of Mach’s proposal can be summarized in the statement that faraway<br />

galaxies provide a preferential reference frame with respect to which the motion of<br />

an observer can be characterized as inertial or not (Mach, 1960). In such a framework<br />

acceleration cannot be described in absolute terms, since in the absence of<br />

such a distant mass distribution the very notion of acceleration would be meaningless.<br />

Water in the Newtonian water bucket rotating by itself in an empty universe<br />

could not possibly rise at the sides, since there would be no frame of reference for<br />

such an isolated bucket. It would seem possible therefore that the origin of inertial<br />

mass itself might be due to some new long range interaction between a test mass<br />

and the faraway galaxy distribution (Sciama, 1953; <strong>Feynman</strong>, 1963).<br />

Over the years, and starting with considerations by Einstein himself, extensive<br />

discussion’s of Mach’s principle and its relation to General Relativity have appeared.<br />

Some have argued convincingly that some aspects of Mach’s principle are indeed<br />

incorporated in the framework of General Relativity, since for example the choice<br />

of locally inertial frames is determined form the overall mass distribution, and in<br />

particular the Einstein tensor is completely determined by the energy-momentum<br />

tensor for matter. On the other hand the Weyl conformal tensor W μνλσ is not determined<br />

by matter, and the field equations remain incomplete without the specifications<br />

of suitable boundary conditions. Another disturbing aspect is the fact that in<br />

a universe without matter, T μν = 0, there still exist flat space solutions g μν = η μν<br />

describing the motion of a test particle in terms of Minkowski dynamics, whereas<br />

based on Mach’s principle one would expect in this case a complete absence of inertia<br />

(as discussed in some detail already in (Pauli, 1958), where he provides some<br />

arguments in favor of the existence of a small cosmological constant λ).<br />

A number of proposals have been put forward to address the issue of how to<br />

incorporate some aspects of Mach’s proposal in General Relativity. One possibility<br />

has been the introduction of boundary terms to account for non-trivial boundary conditions<br />

at infinity. Another set of proposals (Sciama, 1953; 1971; Brans and Dicke,<br />

1961; <strong>Feynman</strong>, 1963) postulate that the value of Newton’s constant G is in some<br />

way related to a new cosmic field describing inertial “forces”, i.e. the natural tendency<br />

of massive bodies to resist acceleration. In Sciama’s original theory, which<br />

is non-relativistic and therefore in many ways incomplete, the key ingredient is the<br />

fact that an acceleration of a test particle with respect to the universe should be<br />

equivalently described by an acceleration of the universe as a whole, with the test<br />

particle at rest.<br />

In the Brans-Dicke relativistic scalar-tensor theory of gravity, G is assumed not<br />

to be a constant of nature: instead it is described by a local average of the additional<br />

Brans-Dicke scalar field φ, G −1 ≃〈φ〉. Of course even in this extended theory of<br />

gravity on needs at some point to specify a consistent set of boundary conditions<br />

at infinity. But unfortunately the theory, at least in its original formulation is not<br />

favored by current solar system tests, which put stringent bounds on the value of<br />

the Brans-Dicke parameter ω describing the coupling of the cosmic scalar field φ to<br />


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