Feynman Path Integral Formulation

Feynman Path Integral Formulation

Feynman Path Integral Formulation


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1.7 Higher Derivative Terms 25<br />

case, in fact one can prove that higher derivative gravity (to be defined below) is<br />

perturbatively renormalizable to all orders in four dimensions.<br />

At the same time new issues arise, which will be detailed below. The first set<br />

of problems has to do with the fact that, quite generally higher derivative theories<br />

with terms of the type φ∂ 4 φ suffer from potential unitarity problems, which can<br />

lead to physically unacceptable negative probabilities. But since these are genuinely<br />

dynamical issues, it will be difficult to answer them satisfactorily in perturbation<br />

theory. In non-Abelian gauge theories one can use higher derivative terms, instead<br />

of the more traditional dimensional continuation, to regulate ultraviolet divergences<br />

(Slavnov, 1972), and higher derivative terms have been used successfully for some<br />

time in lattice regulated field theories (Symanzik, 1983a,b). In these approaches the<br />

coefficient of the higher derivative terms is taken to zero at the end. The second set of<br />

issues is connected with the fact that the theory is asymptotically free in the higher<br />

derivative couplings, implying an infrared growth which renders the perturbative<br />

estimates unreliable at low energies, in the regime of perhaps greatest physical interest.<br />

Note that higher derivative terms arise in string theory as well (Forger, Ovrut,<br />

Theisen and Waldram, 1996).<br />

Let us first discuss the general formulation. In four dimensions possible terms<br />

quadratic in the curvature are<br />

∫<br />

d 4 x √ gR 2<br />

∫<br />

d 4 x √ gR μν R μν<br />

∫<br />

d 4 x √ gR μνλσ R μνλσ<br />

∫<br />

d 4 x √ gC μνλσ C μνλσ<br />

∫<br />

d 4 x √ g ε μνκλ ε ρσωτ R μνρσ R κλωτ = 128π 2 χ<br />

∫<br />

d 4 x √ g ε ρσκλ R μνρσ R μν κλ = 96π2 τ , (1.127)<br />

where χ is the Euler characteristic and τ the Hirzebruch signature. It will be shown<br />

below that these quantities are not all independent. The Weyl conformal tensor is<br />

defined in d dimensions as<br />

C μνλσ = R μνλσ − 2<br />

d−2 (g μ[λ R σ]ν − g ν[λ R σ]μ )<br />

+<br />

2<br />

(d−1)(d−2) Rg μ[λ g σ]ν , (1.128)<br />

where square brackets denote antisymmetrization. It is called conformal because<br />

it can be shown to be invariant under conformal transformations of the metric,<br />

g μν (x) → Ω 2 (x)g μν (x). In four dimensions one has<br />

C μνλσ = R μνλσ − R λ[μ g ν]σ − R σ[μ g ν]λ + 1 3 Rg λ[μg ν]σ . (1.129)

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