Feynman Path Integral Formulation

Feynman Path Integral Formulation

Feynman Path Integral Formulation


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Chapter 6<br />

Lattice Regularized Quantum Gravity<br />

6.1 The Lattice Theory<br />

The following sections are based on the lattice discretized description of gravity<br />

known as Regge calculus, where the Einstein theory is expressed in terms of a<br />

simplicial decomposition of space-time manifolds. Its use in quantum gravity is<br />

prompted by the desire to make use of techniques developed in lattice gauge theories<br />

(Wilson, 1973), 1 but with a lattice which reflects the structure of space-time<br />

rather than just providing a flat passive background (Regge, 1961). It also allows<br />

one to use powerful nonperturbative analytical techniques of statistical mechanics<br />

as well as numerical methods. A regularized lattice version of the continuum field<br />

theory is also usually perceived as a necessary prerequisite for a rigorous study of<br />

the latter.<br />

In Regge gravity the infinite number of degrees of freedom in the continuum is<br />

restricted by considering Riemannian spaces described by only a finite number of<br />

variables, the geodesic distances between neighboring points. Such spaces are taken<br />

to be flat almost everywhere and are called piecewise linear (Singer and Thorpe,<br />

1967). The elementary building blocks for d-dimensional space-time are simplices<br />

of dimension d. A 0-simplex is a point, a 1-simplex is an edge, a 2-simplex is a<br />

triangle, a 3-simplex is a tetrahedron. A d-simplex is a d-dimensional object with<br />

d + 1 vertices and d(d + 1)/2 edges connecting them. It has the important property<br />

that the values of its edge lengths specify the shape, and therefore the relative angles,<br />

uniquely.<br />

A simplicial complex can be viewed as a set of simplices glued together in such<br />

a way that either two simplices are disjoint or they touch at a common face. The<br />

relative position of points on the lattice is thus completely specified by the incidence<br />

matrix (it tells which point is next to which) and the edge lengths, and this in turn<br />

induces a metric structure on the piecewise linear space. Finally the polyhedron<br />

constituting the union of all the simplices of dimension d is called a geometrical<br />

1 As an example of a state-of-the-art calculation of hadron properties in the lattice formulation of<br />

SU(3) QCD see (Aoki et al, 2003).<br />


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