Feynman Path Integral Formulation

Feynman Path Integral Formulation

Feynman Path Integral Formulation


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6.5 Invariant Lattice Action 181<br />

The structure of the gravitational action of Eq. (6.43) leads naturally to some<br />

rather general observations, which we will pursue here. The first, cosmological constant,<br />

term represents the total four-volume of space-time. As such, it does not contain<br />

any derivatives (or finite differences) of the metric and is completely local; it<br />

does not contribute to the propagation of gravitational degrees of freedom and is<br />

more akin to a mass term (as is already clear from the weak field expansion of<br />

∫ √ g in the continuum). In an ensemble in which the total four-volume is fixed in<br />

the thermodynamic limit (number of simplices tending to infinity) one might in fact<br />

take the lattice coupling λ 0 = 1, since different values of λ 0 just correspond to a trivial<br />

rescaling of the overall four-volume (of course in a traditional renormalization<br />

group approach to field theory, the overall four-volume is always kept fixed while<br />

the scale or q 2 dependence of the action and couplings are investigated). Alternatively,<br />

one might even want to choose directly an ensemble for which the probability<br />

distribution in the total four-volume V is<br />

P(V) ∝ δ(V −V 0 ) , (6.45)<br />

in analogy with the microcanonical ensemble of statistical mechanics.<br />

The second, curvature contribution to the action contains, as in the continuum,<br />

the proper kinetic term. This should already be clear from the derivation of the lattice<br />

action given above, and will be made even more explicit in the section dedicated<br />

to the lattice weak field expansion. Such a term now provides the necessary coupling<br />

between neighboring lattice metrics, but the coupling still remains local. Geometrically,<br />

it can be described as a sum of elementary loop contributions, as it contains<br />

as its primary ingredient the deficit angle associated with an elementary parallel<br />

transport loop around the hinge h. When k = 0 one resides in the extreme strong<br />

coupling regime There the fluctuations in the metric are completely unconstrained<br />

by the action, insofar as only the total four-volume of the manifold is kept constant.<br />

At this point it might be useful to examine some specific cases with regards to<br />

the overall dimensionality of the simplicial complex. In two dimensions the Regge<br />

action reduces to a sum over lattice sites p of the 2 − d deficit angle, giving the<br />

discrete analog of the Gauss-Bonnet theorem<br />

∑ δ p = 2πχ , (6.46)<br />

sites p<br />

where χ = 2 − 2g is the Euler characteristic of the surface, and g the genus (the<br />

number of handles). In this case the action is therefore a topological invariant, and<br />

the above lattice expression is therefore completely analogous to the well known<br />

continuum result<br />

∫<br />

1<br />

2<br />

d 2 x √ gR = 2πχ . (6.47)<br />

This remarkable identity ensures that two-dimensional lattice R-gravity is as trivial<br />

as in the continuum, since the variation of the local action density under a small<br />

variation of an edge length l ij is still zero. Of course there is a much simpler formula<br />

for the Euler characteristic of a simplicial complex, namely

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