Feynman Path Integral Formulation

Feynman Path Integral Formulation

Feynman Path Integral Formulation


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6.5 Invariant Lattice Action 179<br />

6.5 Invariant Lattice Action<br />

The first step in writing down an invariant lattice action, analogous to the continuum<br />

Einstein-Hilbert action, is to find the lattice analogue of the Ricci scalar. From the<br />

expression for the Riemann tensor at a hinge given in Eq. (6.36) one obtains by<br />

contraction<br />

R(h) =2 δ(h)<br />

A C (h) . (6.37)<br />

The continuum expression √ gR is then obtained by multiplication with the volume<br />

element V (h) associated with a hinge. The latter is defined by first joining the vertices<br />

of the polyhedron C, whose vertices lie in the dual lattice, with the vertices of<br />

the hinge h, and then computing its volume.<br />

By defining the polygonal area A C as A C (h)=dV(h)/V (d−2) (h), where V (d−2) (h)<br />

is the volume of the hinge (an area in four dimensions), one finally obtains for the<br />

Euclidean lattice action for pure gravity<br />

I R (l 2 )=− k<br />

∑<br />

hinges h<br />

δ(h)V (d−2) (h) , (6.38)<br />

with the constant k = 1/(8πG). One would have obtained the same result for the<br />

single-hinge contribution to the lattice action if one had contracted the infinitesimal<br />

form of the rotation matrix R(h) in Eq. (6.32) with the hinge bivector ω αβ of<br />

Eq. (6.8) (or equivalently with the bivector U αβ of Eq. (6.31) which differs from<br />

ω αβ by a constant). The fact that the lattice action only involves the content of the<br />

hinge V (d−2) (h) (the area of a triangle in four dimensions) is quite natural in view<br />

of the fact that the rotation matrix at a hinge in Eq. (6.32) only involves the deficit<br />

angle, and not the polygonal area A C (h).<br />

An alternative form for the lattice action (Fröhlich, 1981) can be obtained instead<br />

by contracting the elementary rotation matrix R(C) of Eq. (6.32), and not just its<br />

infinitesimal form, with the hinge bivector of Eq. (6.8),<br />

I com (l 2 )=− k<br />

∑<br />

hinges h<br />

1<br />

2<br />

ω αβ (h)R αβ (h) . (6.39)<br />

The above construction can be regarded as analogous to Wilson’s lattice gauge<br />

theory, for which the action also involves traces of products of SU(N) color rotation<br />

matrices (Wilson, 1973). For small deficit angles one can of course use<br />

ω αβ =(d − 2)!V (d−2) U αβ to show the equivalence of the two lattice actions.<br />

But in general, away from a situation of small curvatures, the two lattice action<br />

are not equivalent, as can be( seen already in ) two dimensions. Writing the rotation<br />

cosδ sinδ<br />

matrix at a hinge as R(h)=<br />

, expressed for example in terms of<br />

−sinδ cosδ<br />

Pauli matrices, and taking the appropriate trace (ω αβ = ε αβ in two dimensions) one<br />

finds<br />

tr [ 1<br />

2<br />

(−iσ y )(cosδ p + iσ y sinδ p ) ] = sinδ p , (6.40)

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