Feynman Path Integral Formulation

Feynman Path Integral Formulation

Feynman Path Integral Formulation


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218 6 Lattice Regularized Quantum Gravity<br />

for which the curvature transforms as<br />

U μ → Λ(n)U μ (n)Λ −1 (n + μ) , (6.194)<br />

U μ (n)U ν (n + μ)U −μ (n + μ + ν)U −ν (n + ν)<br />

→ Λ(n)U μ (n)U ν (n + μ)U −μ (n + μ + ν)U −ν (n + ν)Λ −1 (n) , (6.195)<br />

and the vierbein matrices as<br />

E μ (n) → Λ(n)E μ (n)Λ −1 (n) . (6.196)<br />

Since Λ(n) commutes with γ 5 , the expression in Eq. (6.193) is invariant. The metric<br />

is then obtained as usual by<br />

g μν (n)= 1 4 tr[E μ(n)E ν (n)] . (6.197)<br />

From the expression for the lattice curvature R ab<br />

μν given above if follows immediately<br />

that the lattice action in the continuum limit becomes<br />

I =<br />

a4<br />

4κ 2 ∑<br />

n<br />

ε μνλσ ε abcd Rμν<br />

ab (n)eλ c (n)e σ d (n)+O(a 6 ) , (6.198)<br />

which is the Einstein action in Cartan form<br />

I = 1<br />

4κ 2 ∫<br />

d 4 xε μνλσ ε abcd Rμν<br />

ab eλ c e σ d , (6.199)<br />

with the parameter κ identified with the Planck length. One can add more terms to<br />

the action; in this theory a cosmological term can be represented by<br />

λ 0∑ε μνλσ tr[γ 5 E μ (n)E ν (n)E σ (n)E λ (n)] . (6.200)<br />

n<br />

Both Eqs. (6.193) and (6.200) are locally SL(2,C) invariant. The functional integral<br />

is then given by<br />

∫<br />

{ }<br />

Z = ∏dB μ (n) ∏dE σ (n) exp −I(B,E) , (6.201)<br />

n,μ n,σ<br />

and from it one can then compute suitable quantum averages. Here dB μ (n) is the<br />

Haar measure for SL(2,C); it is less clear how to choose the integration measure<br />

over the E σ ’s, and how it should suitably constrained, which obscures the issue of<br />

diffeomorphism invariance in this theory.<br />

In these theories it is possible to formulate curvature squared terms as well. In<br />

general for a hypercubic lattices the formulation of R 2 -type terms in four dimensions<br />

involves constraints between the connections and the tetrads, which are a bit difficult<br />

to handle. Also there is no simple way of writing down topological invariants, which

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