Feynman Path Integral Formulation

Feynman Path Integral Formulation

Feynman Path Integral Formulation


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1.4 <strong>Feynman</strong> Rules 13<br />

and the graviton <strong>Feynman</strong> propagator in d dimensions is then found to be of the<br />

form<br />

D μναβ (k)= η μαη νβ + η μβ η να −<br />

d−2 2 η μν η αβ<br />

k 2 , (1.77)<br />

with a suitable iε prescription to correctly integrate around poles in the complex<br />

k space. Equivalently the whole procedure could have been performed from the<br />

start with an Euclidean metric η μν → δ μν and a complex time coordinate t = −iτ<br />

with hardly any changes of substance. The simple pole in the graviton propagator<br />

at d = 2 serves as a reminder of the fact that, due to the Gauss-Bonnet identity, the<br />

gravitational Einstein-Hilbert action of Eq. (1.64) becomes a topological invariant<br />

in two dimensions.<br />

Higher order correction in h to the Lagrangian for pure gravity then determine<br />

to order h 3 the three-graviton vertex, to order h 4 the four-graviton vertex, and so<br />

on. Because of the √ g and g μν terms in the action, there are an infinite number of<br />

vertices in h.<br />

Had one included a cosmological constant term as in Eq. (1.55), which can also<br />

be expressed in terms of the matrix V as<br />

√ g = 1 +<br />

1<br />

2<br />

h μμ − 1 2 h αβV αβμν h μν + O(h 3 ) , (1.78)<br />

then the expression in Eq. (1.74) would have read<br />

L 0 = λ 0 (1 + κ 1 2 hα α)+ 1 2 h αβ V αβμν (∂ 2 + λ 0 κ 2 )h μν , (1.79)<br />

with κ 2 = 16πG. Then the graviton propagator would have been remained the same,<br />

except for the replacement k 2 → k 2 −λ 0 κ 2 . In this gauge it would correspond to the<br />

exchange of a particle of mass μ 2 = −λ 0 κ 2 . The term linear in h can be interpreted<br />

as a uniform constant source for the gravitational field. But one needs to be quite<br />

careful, since for non-vanishing cosmological constant flat space g μν ∼ η μν is no<br />

longer a solution of the vacuum field equations and the problem becomes a bit more<br />

subtle: one needs to expand around the correct vacuum solutions in the presence of<br />

a λ-term, which are no longer constant.<br />

Another point needs to be made here. One peculiar aspect of perturbative gravity<br />

is that there is no unique way of doing the weak field expansions, and one can<br />

have therefore different sets of <strong>Feynman</strong> rules, even apart from the choice of gauge<br />

condition, depending on how one chooses to do the expansion for the metric.<br />

For example, the structure of the scalar field action of Eq. (1.65) suggests to<br />

define instead the small fluctuation graviton field h μν (x) via<br />

˜g μν (x) ≡ g μν (x) √ g(x)=η μν + Kh μν (x) , (1.80)<br />

with K 2 = 32πG (Faddeev and Popov, 1974; Capper et al, 1973). Here it is h μν (x)<br />

that should be referred to as “the graviton field”. The change of variables from<br />

the g μν ’s to the g μν (x) √ g(x)’s involves a Jacobian, which can be taken to be one<br />

in dimensional regularization. There is one obvious advantage of this expansion

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