Feynman Path Integral Formulation

Feynman Path Integral Formulation

Feynman Path Integral Formulation


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82 3 Gravity in 2 + ε Dimensions<br />

β (g)<br />

gc<br />

g<br />

Fig. 3.3 The β-function for<br />

the non-linear σ-model in the<br />

large-N limit for d > 2.<br />

with cμ0 d−2 the integration constant. The sign of c then depends on whether one is<br />

on the right (c > 0) or on the left (c < 0) of the ultraviolet fixed point at g c .<br />

One notices therefore again that the general shape of β(g) is of the type shown<br />

in Fig. 3.3, with g c a stable non-trivial UV fixed point, and g = 0 and g = ∞ two<br />

stable (trivial) IR fixed points. Once more, at the critical point g c the β-function<br />

vanishes and the theory becomes scale invariant. Furthermore one can check that<br />

again ν = −1/β ′ (g c ) where ν is the exponent in Eq. (3.59). As before one can<br />

re-write the physical mass m for 2 < d < 4as<br />

( ∫ g<br />

ξ −1 dg ′ )<br />

(g)=m(g) ∝ Λ exp −<br />

β(g ′ , (3.66)<br />

)<br />

as was done previously in Eq. (3.34).<br />

Another general lesson one learns is that Eq. (3.62),<br />

[<br />

Λ ∂<br />

∂Λ + β(g) ∂ ]<br />

m[Λ,g(Λ)] = 0 , (3.67)<br />

∂g<br />

can be used to provide a non-perturbative definition for the β-function β(g). If one<br />

sets m = ΛF(g), with F(g) a dimensionless function of g, then one has the simple<br />

result<br />

β(g)=− F(g)<br />

F ′ (g) . (3.68)<br />

Thus the knowledge of the dependence of the mass gap m on the bare coupling g<br />

fixes the shape of the β function, at least in the vicinity of the fixed point. It should<br />

be clear then that the definition of the β-function per se, and therefore the scale<br />

dependence of g(μ) which follows from it [as determined from the solution of the<br />

differential equation μ ∂g<br />

∂μ<br />

= β(g(μ))]isnot necessarily tied to perturbation theory.<br />

When N is large but finite, one can develop a systematic 1/N expansion in order<br />

to evaluate the corrections to the picture presented above (Zinn-Justin, 2002).<br />

Corrections to the exponents are known up to order 1/N 2 , but the expressions are<br />

rather complicated for arbitrary d and will not be reproduced here. In general it appears<br />

that the 1/N expansion is only asymptotic, and somewhat slowly convergent<br />

for useful values of N in three dimensions.

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