Feynman Path Integral Formulation

Feynman Path Integral Formulation

Feynman Path Integral Formulation


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5.6 Complex Periodic Time 165<br />

with ˙φ = i∂φ/∂τ, N a normalization factor, and complex time t = −iτ. The functional<br />

integration [dφ] only contain those paths which are periodic in the complex<br />

time τ, i.e. φ(τ = β)=φ(τ) (for Fermions they need to be anti-periodic). Integrating<br />

over the momenta π gives<br />

tre −β H = N ′ ∫<br />

periodic<br />

{ ∫ β ∫<br />

[dφ]exp dτ 1¯h<br />

0<br />

}<br />

d 3 xL (φ,i ˙φ)<br />

(5.111)<br />

where N ′ (β) is a second β-dependent constant that comes from the Gaussian π<br />

integration. The latter has to be defined, as in the original non-relativistic path integral,<br />

by introducing a lattice spacing and doing the π integration carefully. Note<br />

that the finite temperature formalism has automatically achieved a Wick rotation to<br />

the Euclidean theory, and the <strong>Feynman</strong> iε prescription is no longer needed. Furthermore,<br />

because of the periodicity in complex time, all energy integrals are converted<br />

into finite frequency sums [see, for example, Abrikosov, Gorkov and Dzyaloshinski,<br />

1963; Fetter and Walecka, 1971].<br />

In the gravitational case, a similar functional integral needs to be evaluated at<br />

finite temperatures. Formally it is given by<br />

Z(β) =tre −β H = N ′ ∫<br />

periodic<br />

{ ∫ β<br />

[dg μν ]exp 1¯h<br />

0<br />

∫<br />

dτ<br />

d 3 xL ( g μν ,iġ μν<br />

) } .<br />

(5.112)<br />

Here the path integral is over all gravitational fields g μν which are periodic in imaginary<br />

time τ, with period β; only in the semi classical limit these are restricted to<br />

the saddle points of L , corresponding to suitable solutions of the classical field<br />

equation of general relativity. But the introduction of a finite temperature β does<br />

not of course alleviate the short distance problem of ultraviolet divergences, which<br />

still remains and needs to somehow be addressed in order to obtain finite quantum<br />

corrections to Z(β).<br />

The periodicity in imaginary time of the Schwarzschild solution has in fact been<br />

used to provide an alternative path integral derivation of black hole radiance (Hartle<br />

and Hawking, 1976). There the amplitude for a black hole to emit a scalar particle in<br />

a particular mode is expressed as a sum over paths connecting the future singularity<br />

and infinity. By analytic continuation in the complexified Schwarzschild space this<br />

amplitude is then related to that for a particle to propagate from the past singularity<br />

to infinity and hence, by time reversal, to the amplitude for the black hole to absorb<br />

a particle in the same mode. The form of the connection between the emission and<br />

absorption probabilities then shows that the black hole will emit scalar particles with<br />

a thermal spectrum characterized by the temperature of Eq. (5.65).<br />

The thermodynamic analogy, applied to a black hole with a temperature T =<br />

β −1 = 1/8πM with (average) energy E = M and entropy S = 4πGM 2 , gives a free<br />

energy F ≡ E − TS= 1 2M and therefore a partition function Z (for a single state!)<br />

Z = ∑ e −βE n<br />

= e −βF → e − β2<br />

16πG . (5.113)<br />


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