Feynman Path Integral Formulation

Feynman Path Integral Formulation

Feynman Path Integral Formulation


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190 6 Lattice Regularized Quantum Gravity<br />

parallel transports < R >= 0, but < RR −1 >≠ 0, which would require, for a nonvanishing<br />

lowest order contribution to the Wilson loop, that the loop at least be tiled<br />

by elementary action contributions from Eqs. (6.38) or (6.39), thus forming a minimal<br />

surface spanning the loop. Then, in close analogy to the Yang-Mills case of<br />

Eq. (3.145) (see for example Peskin and Schroeder, 1995), the leading contribution<br />

to the gravitational Wilson loop would be expected to follow an area law,<br />

W(C) ∼ const.k A(C) ∼ exp(−A(C)/ξ 2 ) , (6.67)<br />

where A(C) is the minimal physical area spanned by the near-planar loop C, and<br />

ξ = 1/ √ |lnk| the gravitational correlation length at small k. Thus for a close-tocircular<br />

loop of perimeter P one would use A(C) ≈ P 2 /4π.<br />

The rapid decay of the gravitational Wilson loop as a function of the area is seen<br />

here simply as a general and direct consequence of the disorder in the fluctuations<br />

of the parallel transport matrices R(s,s ′ ) at strong coupling. It should then be clear<br />

from the above discussion that the gravitational Wilson loop provides in a sense a<br />

measure of the magnitude of the large-scale, averaged curvature, where the latter is<br />

most suitably defined by the process of parallel-transporting test vectors around very<br />

large loops, and is therefore, from the above expression, computed to be of the order<br />

R ∼ 1/ξ 2 , at least in the small k limit. A direct calculation of the Wilson loop should<br />

therefore Provide, among other things, a direct insight into whether the manifold is<br />

de Sitter or anti-de Sitter at large distances. More details on the lattice construction<br />

of the gravitational Wilson loop, the various issues that arise in its precise definition,<br />

and a sample calculation in the strong coupling limit of lattice gravity, can be found<br />

in (Hamber and Williams, 2007).<br />

Finally we note that the definition of the gravitational Wilson loop is based on a<br />

surface with a given boundary C, in the simplest case the minimal surface spanning<br />

the loop. It is possible though to consider other surfaces built out of elementary<br />

parallel transport loops. An example of such a generic closed surface tiled with<br />

elementary parallel transport polygons (here chosen for illustrative purposes to be<br />

triangles) will be given later in Fig. 7.13.<br />

Later similar surfaces will arise naturally in the context of the strong coupling<br />

(small k) expansion for gravity, as well as in the high dimension (large d) expansion.<br />

6.9 Lattice Regularized <strong>Path</strong> <strong>Integral</strong><br />

As the edge lengths l ij play the role of the continuum metric g μν (x), one would<br />

expect the discrete measure to involve an integration over the squared edge lengths<br />

(Hamber, 1984; Hartle, 1984; 1986; Hamber and Williams, 1999). Indeed the induced<br />

metric at a simplex is related to the squared edge lengths within that simplex,<br />

via the expression for the invariant line element ds 2 = g μν dx μ dx ν . After choosing<br />

coordinates along the edges emanating from a vertex, the relation between metric<br />

perturbations and squared edge length variations for a given simplex based at 0 in d

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