Book Opener

Book Opener

Book Opener

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Letting your officemanager know that youare researching otherjob opportunities cansometimes work inyour favor, causing yourcompany to give you araise, promotion, bettertraining, or more interestingassignments.However, timing is thekey when using thisstrategy. Be sure thatyou are in demand byobjectively assessingyour skills, performance,and overallmarketability.$2,400 a month plus a “reasonable” commission on total sales.Is this a definite and certain offer? No, because it would be difficultto determine exactly what a “reasonable” commission is.The court, however, could fix a commission based upon generalpractices of the trade.Communication to the OffereeOffers may be made by telephone, letter, telegram, fax machine,e-mail, or by any other method that communicates the offer to theofferee.Example 5. Jean Lefevre found a wallet. A driver’s license identifiedthe owner, and Jean returned the wallet. The ownerthanked her but did nothing more. Later in the evening, whilereading the newspaper, Lefevre discovered that the owner hadoffered a reward for return of the wallet. However, she cannotclaim the reward because the offer was not communicated toher. She did not know about the reward when she returned thewallet.Requirements of an AcceptanceThe second element of a legally binding contract is acceptance ofthe offer by the offeree. As in the case of an offer, certain basicTHE MIRRORIMAGE RULEIn real estate andservice contracts,the acceptance mustrepeat the exact termsthat are used in theoffer. What can a coupledo if they want topurchase a house butcannot afford theprice at which thehouse is listed?116 Unit 2: Entering into Contracts

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