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honor, was the payment of a $35 fee. After the auction, Ardnerlearned that Wheeler was not licensed. As a result, Ardner refusedto pay Wheeler the $250. Because the statute was for revenuepurposes only, Ardner must pay Wheeler the $250. Wheeler, however,is guilty of violating the licensing law.OCCUPATIONAL LICENSINGMany mechanical, technical, and trade professions requirelicensing to practice. What considerations might have motivatedlawmakers to require licenses for some activities?Reviewing What You Learned1. What makes a contract illegal?2. What are the consequences of illegality inrelation to contract law?3. What contracts are illegal by statutory law?4. What are the different types of licenses?Critical Thinking ActivityIllegal Contracts Why does the law usuallyrefuse to uphold illegal contracts?Legal Skills in ActionDiscouraging Illegal Contracts Inez andChris have been in business together for threeyears. Their business is doing badly, so Chriscomes up with a plan that involves makingcontractual arrangements with illegal alienswho are willing to work for low pay. Howwould you help Inez talk Chris out ofimplementing this scheme?Chapter 9: Legality 193

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