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whether to transfer the case, the court may consider the seriousness ofthe offense; the minor’s family, school, and social history; the minor’scourt record; protection of the public; the nature of past treatment; andthe likelihood of rehabilitation.Figure 2.1Court Systems in the United StatesSpecial U.S. CourtsCourt of Appeals forthe Federal CircuitHears cases on appealfrom the U.S. ClaimsCourt and the Court ofInternational Trade;hears certain appealsfrom U.S. district courtsU.S. Claims CourtHears cases from citizensinvolving claims againstthe federal governmentU.S. Supreme CourtHears appeals fromfederal and state courts;has original jurisdictionin cases in which a stateis a party, and in casesinvolving Americanambassadors, ministers,and consulsU.S. Courts of AppealsHear cases on appealfrom district courts andcertain other federal courtsState Supreme CourtsHear appeals from lowerstate courts; have originaljurisdiction in cases inwhich the state is a party,and in cases that involvethe state constitutionAppellate Courts*Hear cases on appealfrom general trial courtsand lower trial courtsU.S. Court ofInternational TradeHears civil casesconcerning tariffs andimport taxesU.S. Tax CourtHears cases dealingwith tax lawsTerritorial CourtsHears cases dealing withterritorial and federal lawsin the territories of theUnited StatesU.S. District CourtsHear criminal andcivil casesIndicates route of appealsFederal Court SystemState Court SystemGeneral Trial CourtsDistrict, County, Circuit,Common Pleas, or SuperiorCourts; hear major criminaland civil cases; may hearcertain cases on appealfrom lower courtsLower Trial CourtsJustice, Magistrate’s, andMunicipal Courts; hearmisdemeanors and civilcases that involve smallamounts of moneyCourt of Military AppealsHears appeals ofcourt martials*Found in about two-thirdsof the statesCOURT SYSTEMS IN THE UNITED STATESThe courts in the United States are divided into federal and statesystems. In which court system would a criminal trial be heard?32 Unit 1: Knowing About the Law

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