Book Opener

Book Opener

Book Opener

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CHAPTERASSESSMENTAcquiring and Evaluating InformationWorking with contracts is a regular part of mostbusinesses. Companies make contracts withtheir customers and employees, and often withgovernments and other businesses.16. Using newspapers, magazines, or theInternet, locate an article relating to abreach of contract in the workplace. Writea summary of the breach and the remedy.Next, evaluate the ethical nature of thebreach. Share your findings with the class.Concert CancellationPeter purchased a $50 ticket to see his favoriteband perform. He waited all week for theconcert, only to find out the day before thescheduled event that it had been cancelled.Debate17. Do you think that Peter should be refundedthe money for his ticket? What are Peter’srights?18. Has there been a breach of contract?19. What remedies are available to Peter andthe other ticket holders?For the following cases, give your decision andstate a legal principle that applies.20. Horton contracted with Findlay to purchasea used computer for $500. When Findlayrefused to go along with his part of theagreement, Horton went to the localcomputer specialty shop and purchaseda new computer for $2,500. He thendemanded $2,000 from Findlay as damagesfor Findlay’s breach. Is Horton entitled tothis much money as the measure ofdamages? Why or why not?21. Don Blair contracts to work as a mechanicfor Henry Lee for one year. A month later,Lee assigns his right to receive Blair’sservices to Titus. Must Blair work for Titus?Explain your answer.22. The Turner Company sells goods to PierreMoreau on credit. After waiting severalmonths for Moreau to make a payment onhis account, the Turner Company informsMoreau that it is assigning its rights to acollection agency. Is this legally possible?Why or why not?23. Janine Drake owes Duncan Coe $500. Coeassigns the right to receive the money toAbram Burke in payment of a debt. Coethen moves out of town and takes up a newresidence. No one notifies Drake of theassignment. She mails the $500 to Coe athis new address. Can Burke sue Drake forfailing to honor the assignment? Explainyour answer.24. Dea Duk Sung buys a $100,000 life insurancepolicy naming Yung Shen Sung asthe beneficiary. If the insurance companyrefuses to pay the proceeds of the policy toYung Shen when Dea Duk Sung dies, doesYung Shen have standing to sue? Why orwhy not?258 Unit 2: Entering Into Contracts

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