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E-Commerceand the Lawl Tips for safer Internetshoppingl How to identifyconsumer-friendlyWeb sites for internationalonlineshoppingl How to describe thelaw that permits theuse of electronicsignatures oncontractsl How to identifylegal safeguards toprotect your right tocomputer privacyElectronic commerce ison the cutting edge oftoday’s business world.As you learn more aboutelectronic commerce,you will advance furtherin today’s society.l electronic commercel electronic signaturel online privacyl Federal TradeCommission (FTC)Electronic CommerceHave you ever shopped online? Computers, software, books, wirelessphones, DVD players, CDs, clothing, cars, toys, games, sportsequipment, and beauty supplies are just a few examples of items thatyou can purchase online. Because all of these items are goods, the samelaw of sales applies as when you purchase something from a store.Technology has allowed many changes to come about quickly, inour personal lives and the business world. Electronic commerce, alsocalled e-commerce, is the buying and selling of goods and services, orthe transfer of money, over the Internet. As the world moves forwardwith new technological developments, however, the law sometimeslags behind. This is particularly true in the rapidly developing field ofe-commerce.Shopping Safely on the InternetShopping online offers many benefits. You can shop at any timeyou please, and you can find almost anything you want, often at bargainprices. While shopping on the Internet can be as safe as shoppingin a store, there can be some dangers. There are some ways that youcan shop safely on the Internet, however, and avoid these dangers (seeFigure 13.5).Shop with Companies You Know Anyone can establish anInternet business. If you’re not familiar with a business, ask for acatalog to learn about the company. Find out about return and refundpolicies before placing your order.Keep Your Password Private Be creative when you establish apassword for purchasing goods online. Avoid using a telephone number,birth date, or a portion of your Social Security number. Instead,use a combination of letters, numbers, and symbols that a strangerwould have a hard time figuring out. Most importantly, never give yourpassword to anyone.Pay by Credit or Charge Card You will be protected by the FairCredit Billing Act (see Chapter 22) if you pay by credit or charge card.This method of payment gives you the right to dispute certain charges284 Unit 3: Understanding Consumer Law

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