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PROVING MAJORITYSome states requirepeople whose ages are inquestion to fill out a formbefore they are permittedto purchase alcohol.What procedure is usedin your state?Figure 7.1, 20I, , hereby represent to ,a permittee of the Connecticut Department of Liquor Control,that I am over the age of 21 years, having been born on, 19 , at . Thisstatement is made to induce said permittee to sell orotherwise furnish alcoholic beverages to the undersigned.I UNDERSTAND THAT TITLE 30 OF THE GENERALSTATUTES PROHIBITS THE SALE OF ALCOHOLIC LIQUORTO ANY PERSON WHO IS NOT TWENTY-ONE YEARSOF AGE.I understand that I am subject to a fine of one hundreddollars for the first offense and not more than two hundredfifty dollars for each subsequent offense for willfullymisrepresenting my age for the purposes set forth in thisstatement.(Name)(Address)owned by the person presenting it. The law prohibits minors from purchasingalcohol as a protective measure. Many minors lack the maturityand judgment required to successfully regulate alcohol consumption.Contracts of MinorsThe law shields minors in making contracts as a protective measure.Immaturity, inexperience, lack of education, or na¨ıveté could allow anunscrupulous adult to take advantage of a minor. The law does not intend,however, to give a minor the right to take advantage of other people.150 Unit 2: Entering Into Contracts

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