Book Opener

Book Opener

Book Opener

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UNITLaw Workshop:Using Legal ToolsHow Would You Write aContract?In this unit, you learned many thingsabout contracts, including the elementsof a legally enforceable contract, theform of a contract, and how contractscome to an end. In this workshop, youwill work with a partner and use what youhave learned to prepare a written contract.Step A: PreparationProblem: How would you write a contract with another person?Objectives: In this workshop, you will write a contract between yourselfand a partner.l Research contract forms.l Negotiate the type and terms of the contract with your partner.l Write the contract, and use technology to prepare it.l Compare your contract with the contracts of other pairs of students.l Analyze the essential elements of the contracts.260 Unit 2: Entering Into Contracts

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