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Example 2. Gerard Ingels and Ramona Parker, whose marriagelasted for six months, were divorced. Ramona later wanted tomarry Gerard’s father, a widower. In a state that follows thecommon-law rule regarding marriage between family membersrelated by affinity, they could not marry.Although the marriage of first cousins is allowed under commonlaw, many states prohibit such relationships. Almost half the states haveno prohibition against marriage of persons related by affinity.A marriage between close family members constitutes more than asocial stigma or legal dilemma. Children born to blood relatives aremore likely to suffer from birth defects because there is a greater chancethat the two parents could share and pass on harmful genes.Bigamy and PolygamyA marriage that is contracted while either party is already marriedis void in all states, unless the prior marriage is ended by annulment.Bigamy is the act of having two spouses at the same time. Polygamyis the act of having more than two spouses at once. Any children bornof a man and woman whose marriage is void are illegitimate. Bigamyand polygamy are crimes under the laws of every state in this country.In some states, if one of the parties entered into the marriage withoutknowing the other party was married, the second marriage maybecome valid on the death or divorce of the partner to the first marriage.Reviewing What You Learned1. When does the marriage contract actuallycome into existence? Explain your answer.2. List five rights that are given by law topeople when they marry.3. What is a premarital agreement, and why isit important?4. Provide three examples of marriages that areprohibited by law.Critical Thinking ActivityFairness Ian and Rochelle decided to breaktheir engagement of six months because theybelieved that they just weren’t right for eachother. By law in their state, Ian is entitled to thereturn of the engagement ring. Do you thinkthis is fair? Why or why not?Legal Skills in ActionThe Role of Marriage In Your Life Marriageis a personal relationship arising out of a civilcontract. It is a serious contract that mostpeople believe will last forever. In 2–3paragraphs, describe the role, if any, thatmarriage might play in your future life.680 Unit 7: Planning for the Future

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