Book Opener

Book Opener

Book Opener

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The Opening SceneRobin and Patrick, whose wedding date is rapidlyapproaching, are looking for a place to live. In thisscene, they pull up in front of a two-family house.Apartment MishapsROBIN: I’m really beat. Every place we’ve seen hasbeen too expensive or too run-down.PATRICK: Or it’s already been rented.ROBIN: Can you believe that place where the ownersaid he never rented to young couples becausethey might have children?PATRICK: How about the one who wouldn’t allowdogs? Dusty has never bothered anyone. He’s justa big, lovable softie.ROBIN: I guess some people don’t like Great Danes.PATRICK: (Knocking on the door.) This place lookspretty good from the outside.OWNER: (Opening the door.) Hello, can I help you?PATRICK: Hi. We’d like to look at the apartment youadvertised. Is it still available?OWNER: Yes, it is. Come on in. I have two apartmentsupstairs, and the one on the right is vacant. I’llshow it to you. (On the way up, Robin stumblesand Patrick grabs her.) Watch out for that brokenstep! A couple of nails came out. I’m gonna fix itnext week. (Unlocking the door.) Here you are,take a look around.ROBIN: It’s nice!PATRICK: I don’t like that light fixture. The rest of theplace looks good, though.OWNER: This place never stays empty long.PATRICK: Is it okay to have a dog?OWNER: Sure. I like little critters.(After a careful inspection, Patrick and Robin tell thelandlord they will take the apartment.)OWNER: I’ll need a security deposit and the first andlast months’ rent.PATRICK: Do we need to sign a lease?OWNER: No way. I don’t bother with that written stuff.(A few weeks later, Robin and Patrick are nowmarried and settling into the apartment.)PATRICK: It’s great to have our own place!ROBIN: It’s wonderful! That new light fixture is justperfect. You did such a good job wiring. I wonderif we should have thrown out the old fixture, though.(A month later, Patrick and Robin are sitting in thedark with candles burning.)ROBIN: I can’t believe the landlord shut off ourelectricity just because he doesn’t like Dusty. Hesaid he’s going to keep the light fixture and oursecurity deposit, too—all because of Dusty!PATRICK: I’m going downstairs to set him straight!(Patrick rushes out the door, but he trips on theloose board on the stairs and tumbles to thebottom of the stairway.) Oooh! I think my leg’sbroken!ROBIN: Oh, no!1. Is it against the law to refuse to rent to peoplewho might have children in the future?2. Must the rental of an apartment be evidencedby a writing, or may it be oral?3. May a landlord legally shut off a tenant’selectricity?4. May a landlord keep a security deposit becausehe or she doesn’t like a tenant’s dog?5. Who owns fixtures that are installed by thetenant?6. Is the landlord or the tenant responsible forinjuries caused by a defect in a common areaof an apartment building?Chapter 33: Renting a Place to Live 711

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