Book Opener

Book Opener

Book Opener

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The Opening SceneAfter school, Viktor and Alena meet Trevor andMicha on the school’s athletic field.An Imaginary SettlementVIKTOR: Hey, Micha! Thanks for meeting me. I’vebeen thinking about our conversation a lot today.I think you might have the answer to all of mymoney problems. So, if I sue Mr. Olsen, what doI get?MICHA: You’ll get money, of course. That’s what youwant, isn’t it?VIKTOR: Yeah, but how much do you think that Ican get?MICHA: Well, for starters, I’m sure you can get theamount that he was supposed to pay you for thepaint job.VIKTOR: That’s not much. It’s no more than $20, tops.TREVOR: I have an idea! Maybe you can get someextra money to compensate you for your pain andsuffering.ALENA: Oh, please! You guys are too much. Whatpain did Vik suffer, other than having to do somework? If I remember correctly, he was actuallyhappy that the job ended early. He wanted out ofthe deal before the fire even occurred. It’s not fairfor you to sue Mr. Olsen.VIKTOR: Allie’s right for once, guys. I didn’t suffermuch. . . . Well, maybe just a little on the accountof having to walk all the way over there. I think thatI may have gotten up really early that morning, too.MICHA: That’s something. Now we have something togo on. What about punitive damages?VIKTOR: I don’t know what you mean. What arepunitive damages?MICHA: It’s when the court makes you pay so muchthat it hurts.ALENA: Come on, Vik. Let’s drop this right nowand move on. You know that you’re not goingto sue him.VIKTOR: No, I don’t suppose it would be fair to bringa lawsuit, but it has been fun imagining a biglawsuit settlement. I could really use the money. I’mnever going to be able to afford a car.TREVOR: So maybe that job idea is the best thingafter all?VIKTOR: Yeah, maybe so. I guess I have no otherchoice than to get a job. I’m going to look foranother job on the Internet tonight.MICHA: Well, I was saving this news for last, so Iguess now is the time.VIKTOR: What news?MICHA: Mrs. Miniver hired me to mow her lawnevery week this summer, but now my dad says I’vegotta go with him to Florida. Maybe I can giveyou my job. Mrs. Miniver pays pretty well, and thejob’s not that hard. Even you could handle it, Vik.It won’t cut into your social life at all. What do youthink? The job’s yours if you want it.VIKTOR: That would be great. Sweet! Thanks,Micha!MICHA: No problem. That’s what friends are for.1. What happens when one party to a contractdecides to assign his or her rights under thecontract to a third party?2. How is a novation formed?3. What remedies are available in a lawsuit forbreach of contract?4. What is the difference between specificperformance and an injunction?Chapter 12: Transfer of Contracts and Remedies for Breach 241

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