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PARTNERSHIP PROPERTYA partner may not use partnership property forpersonal or other nonpartnership purposes.How can this agreement come about?Property Rights of the PartnersCertain rights arise regarding property that belongs to the partnership.These rights include the right to use the property, the right tomanage the firm, and the right to share in the profits.Right to Use Property Partners are co-owners of all the real andpersonal property included in the partnership. As a result, the partnerscan use the property for partnership business. The property cannot beused for other business unless the other partners give their permission.This co-ownership, called tenancy in partnership by the UPA, givesrise to other limitations. For example, a partner cannot, on his or herown, transfer ownership of the property. Also, the property cannot betaken by a partner’s personal creditors. Moreover, when a partner dies,the right to use partnership property passes to the other partners.Example 5. The articles of partnership for a business called HDJEnterprises include a tenancy in partnership provision. In a matternot involving HDJ Enterprises, Holden, a partner in HDJ enterprises,is sued by Karen Yeltsin. Yeltsin wins the suit, but findsChapter 27: Sole Proprietorship and Partnership 593

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