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Book Opener

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UNITLaw Workshop:Using Legal ToolsCan You Explain NegotiableInstruments?The law of negotiable instruments enablesbusinesses to engage in transactionswithout carrying around excessive amountsof cash. As a result, negotiable instrumentsare very practical in business contexts.Negotiable instruments include checks, notes,and certificates of deposit.Step A: PreparationProblem: How do negotiable instruments work?Objectives: In this workshop, you will work in small groups to analyzenegotiable instruments and legal situations in which they are involved.l Investigate what information must appear on notes, certificates ofdeposit, and checks.l Produce a note, certificate of deposit, or check, and explain thedocument to the class.llDemonstrate a situation involving a holder in due course.Explain the legal issues present in the situation you choose todemonstrate.576 Unit 5: Using Your Purchasing Power

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