Book Opener

Book Opener

Book Opener

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The Opening SceneRobin Johnson and her fiancé, Patrick Regan, aretalking in the living room of the Johnson residence.Caught in the MiddleROBIN: Has Bill had any luck finding a job since hegot laid off?PATRICK: Didn’t I tell you? This will blow your mind!Bill left Betty and the twins and moved to Alaska.ROBIN: Bill and Betty split up? What a shocker! I neverwould’ve thought that could happen. They seemedto have such a strong marriage. When did he go?PATRICK: About two weeks ago. I think losing his jobwas just too much for Bill to handle. I heard he waspretty depressed. Betty’s devastated about thesituation. I hear she’s gonna file for divorce thisweek on grounds of desertion.ROBIN: Isn’t that rushing things? Maybe he’ll comeback. How could he leave those beautiful twins?Why, he took care of them all of the time after helost his job.PATRICK: True. When Betty went back to work, Billstayed home.ROBIN: I don’t understand what’s happening thesedays. So many people are getting divorced! It’sreally discouraging!PATRICK: Either that or they’re having their marriagesannulled.ROBIN: Whatever. Isn’t an annulment the same as adivorce?PATRICK: I’m not sure.(Six months later, Robin meets Betty at the supermarket.The twins are sitting in the grocery cart. Betty lookstired and unhappy.)ROBIN: Hi, Betty. The twins are so big I hardlyrecognized them!BETTY: Well, you’d better take a good look. Theymay not be here much longer.ROBIN: I don’t understand! What do you mean? Areyou moving?BETTY: No, I’m staying right where I am. But Bill istrying to get custody of the twins. I thought thatmothers always have the right to keep theirchildren.ROBIN: I don’t know how the courts decide things likethat. But you probably don’t have to worry.Everyone knows you’re a great mother. Don’t letthis worry you.BETTY: Thanks, Robin. I appreciate that.ROBIN: Things must be pretty tough for you rightnow. Does Bill send you anything for support?BETTY: That’s another problem. Bill says he won’tpay the support payment the judge ordered if hedoesn’t have custody. How can I force him to paywhen he’s in Alaska?ROBIN: I see what you mean.BETTY: Well, the twins are getting restless. I’d betterfinish my shopping. It’s nice to see you, Robin.ROBIN: Thanks, Betty. It’s good to see you, too.Good luck!1. Can a spouse file for a divorce on the grounds ofdesertion two weeks after the other spouse hasleft home?2. What is the difference between a divorce and anannulment?3. Do mothers always have the right to custody oftheir children?4. Does the law provide a method for obtainingsupport payments from spouses who live outof state?Chapter 32: Divorce and Its Legal Consequences 693

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