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APPENDIX ALegislatures of the States concerned as well asof the Congress.Clause 2: The Congress shall have Power todispose of and make all needful Rules andRegulations respecting the Territory or otherProperty belonging to the United States; andnothing in this Constitution shall be so construedas to Prejudice any Claims of theUnited States, or of any particular State.Section 4 ■ The United States shall guaranteeto every State in this Union a RepublicanForm of Government, and shall protect each ofthem against Invasion; and on Application ofthe Legislature, or of the Executive (when theLegislature cannot be convened) againstdomestic Violence.ARTICLE VThe Congress, whenever two thirds of bothHouses shall deem it necessary, shall proposeAmendments to this Constitution, or, on theApplication of the Legislatures of two thirdsof the several States, shall call a Conventionfor proposing Amendments, which, in eitherCase, shall be valid to all Intents andPurposes, as Part of this Constitution, whenratified by the Legislatures of three fourths ofthe several States, or by Conventions in threefourths thereof, as the one or the other Modeof Ratification may be proposed by theCongress; Provided that no Amendment whichmay be made prior to the Year One thousandeight hundred and eight shall in any Manneraffect the first and fourth Clauses in the NinthSection of the first Article; and that no State,without its Consent, shall be deprived of itsequal Suffrage in the Senate.ARTICLE VIAll Debts contracted and Engagementsentered into, before the Adoption of thisConstitution, shall be as valid against theUnited States under this Constitution, as underthe Confederation.This Constitution, and the Laws of the UnitedStates which shall be made in Pursuancethereof; and all Treaties made, or which shallbe made, under the Authority of the UnitedStates, shall be the supreme Law of the Land;and the Judges in every State shall be boundthereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Lawsof any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.The Senators and Representatives before mentioned,and the Members of the several StateLegislatures, and all executive and judicialOfficers, both of the United States and of theseveral States, shall be bound by Oath orAffirmation, to support this Constitution; butno religious Test shall ever be required as aQualification to any Office or public Trustunder the United States.ARTICLE VIIThe Ratification of the Conventions of nineStates, shall be sufficient for the Establishmentof this Constitution between the Statesso ratifying the Same.Done in Convention by the UnanimousConsent of the States present the SeventeenthDay of September in the Year of our Lord onethousand seven hundred and Eighty seven andof the Independence of the United States ofAmerica the Twelfth In witness whereof Wehave hereunto subscribed our Names,G. O. Washington—Presidt.and deputy from Virginia[Signed also bythe deputies of twelve States.]802 Appendix A

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