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Book Opener

Book Opener

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Figure 8.3AgreementPromises under sealPromises after discharge inbankruptcyPromise to pay debts barredby statute of limitationsPromises enforced bypromissory estoppelOptionIllusory promisesPromise of a giftPast considerationsPreexisting dutiesAgreements without ConsiderationLegal StatusEnforceable in some states for contracts not involving goods; unenforceableunder the UCC for contracts involving goodsEnforceable in most statesEnforceableEnforceable only if offeror knew that offeree would rely on the promise andofferee places himself or herself in a different and difficult positionas a result of that promiseEnforceable under the UCC if made by a merchant, in writing, and stating thetime period over which the offer would remain openUnenforceableUnenforceableUnenforceableUnenforceable as a consideration in a new contractAGREEMENTS WITHOUT CONSIDERATIONThe law recognizes many agreements without consideration.However, few of these agreements are enforceable.Which of the unenforceable agreements do you believeshould be enforceable?Reviewing What You Learned1. What agreements are enforceable withoutconsideration?2. What is the legal doctrine of promissoryestoppel?3. What agreements are not enforceablewithout consideration?4. What is the difference between pastconsideration and preexisting duties?Critical Thinking ActivityPublic Policy Why does the law support thedoctrine of promissory estoppel?Legal Skills in ActionPromissory EstoppelYour cousin, Geri, hasjust called you from California. She recentlyquit her job, broke the lease on her apartment,emptied her bank account to buy a used car, andmoved to California because a movie producerpromised her a job. Now in California, sherealizes that the job offer was an empty promise.Write a letter to the producer in which youexplain how the doctrine of promissory estoppelapplies in this situation.Chapter 8: Consideration 179

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