Book Opener

Book Opener

Book Opener

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Consider the key terms in the list below. Then use these terms tocomplete the following exercises.commerce clausesecuritySecurities and ExchangeCommission (SEC)registration statementprospectusmergerasset acquisitionstock acquisitiontender offersuitortarget1. Create a crossword puzzle using all of the key terms. Be sureto include an answer key.2. Exchange puzzles with another student and solve eachother’s puzzles.3. Check your partner’s work and correct any mistakes that heor she made.Self-Check Quiz Visitthe UnderstandingBusiness and PersonalLaw Web site atubpl.glencoe.com andclick on Chapter 30:Regulation and Expansionof a Corporation—Self-Check Quizzesto prepare for thechapter exam.Answer the following questions. Refer to the chapter for additional reinforcement.4. What are the four major federal antitrust laws? Give a brief description of what eachlaw does.5. What are the responsibilities of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)?6. What happens when a shareholder dissents from a merger and desires to pull out ofthe new corporation?7. How are takeover bids regulated?8. Does the dissolution of a LLC stop the business of the LLC? Explain.9. What was one of the major causes of the stock market crash of 1929?10. What is a prospectus?11. How does a merger differ from a consolidation?12. What are the two ways that a shareholder can make money on his or her investmentin a corporation?13. Why might a corporation resist a suitor’s attempt to take over the business throughstock acquisition?Chapter 30: Corporate Regulation and Expansion 663

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