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Figure 2.7CAWAORNVAge Limits For Juvenile Court JurisdictionIDAZUTMTWYCONMNHVTNDMNWINYSDMIPAIANEIL INOHWV VAKS MO KYNCTNOK ARSCALGAMSLATXFLMEMARICTNJDEMD151617AlaskaHawaiiTHE AGE LIMITS FOR JUVENILECOURT JURISDICTIONMost states hold 17 as the oldest age forjuvenile court jurisdiction. What is the agelimit in your state?Disposition of Juvenile CasesCases involving juvenile offenders are handled by the juvenilecourt, which has limited jurisdiction (see Figure 2.7). The juvenilecourt system is designed so that each case and special circumstancesare considered individually.As a first step, the judge usually holds a detention hearing tolearn whether there are good reasons to keep the accused in custody.The court’s probation department or a child welfare agency begins aninvestigation into the minor’s background and home life. The judgemight dismiss the charges upon hearing the investigation findings.There may be special circumstances; the matter may be deemed notserious enough to pursue further; or the judge may feel the youth waswrongly accused.If the charges are not dismissed, the judge conducts an adjudicatoryhearing. This is the informal, actual hearing of the case by thecourt. The judge may question the youth and his or her parents, listento witnesses, and seek advice from the probation officer. Some courtsdecide what action to take at this point. Other courts hold a third hearing,called a dispositional hearing. After one of these hearings, the48 Unit 1: Knowing About the Law

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