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contracts, written, 205–221best evidence rule of, 216changing, 217elements of, 206–208long-term, 211marriage, 211–213parol evidence rule, 215to pay debts of others, 209–211purpose of, 206for real estate sales, 213for sales of goods, 213–214contract transfers, 241–249of duties, 245–248novation and, 248of rights, 242–245third parties and, 248–249contractual capacity, 109, 144–161convicts and, 157foreigners and, 157intoxication and, 157mental impairment and, 157minors and, 147–150ratification by minors and, 154–156voidable contracts and, 151–153contributions, charitable, 169, 306contributory negligence, 91control, rent, 718controlled substance abuse, 71controlling words, 515conventional mortgages, 737convictions, 12, 699convicts, 157cooling-off rule, 322cooperation in agencies, 420cooperative homes, 735co-ownership of property, 740–741copyrights, 129, 365–366software and hardware, 366, 367corporate opportunity doctrine, 634,637–638corporate raiders, 656corporate veil, 618–619corporations, 604–643advantages of, 606business judgment rule and, 633–636directors of, 626–627disadvantages of, 606–607dissolution of, 659–661by estoppel, 618expansion of, 654–659fairness rule and, 636–638financing, 614–616forming, 608–613limited liability, 616–617, 638–639officers of, 627problems forming, 617–619regulation of. See regulationsshareholders of, 627–632types of, 607–608cosignatures, 488costs, closing, 733co-tenants, 722counseling services, financial, 496counteroffers, 117, 120courts, 26–53civil trials in, 34–42criminal trials in, 42–49decisions of, 20–21dockets of, 36federal, 28–30probate, 31, 785small claims, 399state, 30–33for teens, 59covenant marriage, 685covenants, 197, 441, 714coverage, insurance, 351–355credit, 483–499borrowing on, 485–488credit cards and, 488–492dangers of, 496–499protection laws on, 493–495selling to Internet companies on, 564types of, 484–485credit card blocking, 376, 492credit cards, 488–492, 498, 535credit identity theft, 322creditors, 484credit reports, 488crimes, 54–77against people, 62–66against property, 66–70classifications of, 56controlled substance-related, 71–72defenses to, 59–61elements of, 58–59motor vehicular, 70–71tort law and, 80–81U.S. criminal law and, 56–58criminal statutes, 188–189criminal trials, 42–49arraignments in, 45–46defendants in, 43–45of juveniles, 47–49sentencing in, 47steps in, 43–49cruelty, 697–698cumulative preferred stock, 614custody of children, 703–704cybercourt, 30cybercrime, 63, 71–72Ddamagesactual and incidental, 251as remedy, 41, 250–253consequential, 305discrimination and, 469for breach of contract, 232, 250liquidated, 251–253minimizing, 253money, 232, 251product liability law and, 327public policy tort and, 440punitive, for fraud, 128date rape, 64dates, 515dealers, used car, 344–345dealer sticker price of vehicles, 341dealing, 270deathagencies and, 424contract offers and, 121contract performance and, 231debt payments and, 209–211estate taxes and, 774prenuptial agreements and, 677–679without will, 783–785death penalty, 47, 62“death” taxes, 774debit cards, 534–535debtors, 484debt ratio, 731–732debts, 175, 209–211, 496–499, 655. Seealso creditdeceptive practices, 316–320836 Index

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