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efuses the test, the doctor must advise her of the risks of contractingrubella during childbearing years and of the vaccine available to eliminateor protect against such risks.Example 5. William Matera and Lynn Newkirk decided to getmarried. They went to the clerk’s office in their town and appliedfor a marriage license. They were told they would have to waitat least three days before the license could be issued and that theywould have to have their blood tested.Proxy MarriageIn a proxy marriage , one or both of the parties can’t be presentfor the wedding, and an agent acts on their behalf. Such a marriage,which is allowed in some states, still requires a ceremony. The UniformMarriage and Divorce Act provides that a person who can’t come to thesolemnization of his or her marriage may authorize, in writing, a thirdperson to act as proxy. The person solemnizing the marriage must besatisfied that the absent party is unable to be present and has consentedto the marriage.Use of Various NamesUnder common law, people may use any name provided they do notdo so to commit fraud. A wife does not have to adopt her husband’s surname(last name), for example. Although widely followed, this practicecame about through custom and was not required by common law.Today, many married women continue to use their maiden names orthey hyphenate it with their husband’s surnames.Reviewing What You Learned1. Under today’s law, at what age may a personin most states marry without parentalconsent?2. What is the difference between a commonlawmarriage and a ceremonial marriage?Legal Skills in ActionMarriage Laws Using a software program,design a table of the marriage laws in your statethat you need to consider before gettingmarried. Do your best to address all the lawsdiscussed in this chapter.Critical Thinking ActivitySurnames Are there any reasons why ahusband and wife having different surnameswould be impractical? Explain your answer.Chapter 31: Marriage 687

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