Book Opener

Book Opener

Book Opener

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The Opening SceneAn Lee is waiting for the school bus with his friend,Michael.Wedding Gifts Gone AwryAN: My sister and her new husband get back fromtheir honeymoon tomorrow, but I haven’t gottenthem a present yet.MICHAEL: How about one of those bird clocks thatchirps every hour? My neighbor has one. She toldme she wants to sell it because the noise bothers her.AN: Cool! Maybe I’ll buy it.(Next evening, newlyweds Mei and Bruce are openingwedding presents at the home of Mei’s parents.)MEI: Oh, it’s beautiful!BRUCE: It’s a lamp shade with feathers.AN: If you ask me, that thing’s for the birds. Whynot open my present over there? (He points to acrudely wrapped box.)MRS.LEE: They’ll get to your present soon, An.BRUCE: We’ll open yours after this one from AuntHarriet. (He reaches for a large, heavy, flat box.)MEI: Oh, look! A mirror in a beautiful gold frame.BRUCE: Look, Mei, the mirror is cracked!MRS.LEE: Harriet will be so upset. Do you think it’scovered by a warranty?MEI: I hope so! Now for An’s gift. (Opening thepresent.) How nice! A bird clock.AN: It chirps every hour with different birdcalls.MEI: What a wonderful gift! Thank you.BRUCE: (Examining the clock.) We’ll think of youevery hour. Uh-oh! The small hand is missing. Didyou get it at a local store?AN: (Embarrassed.) I didn’t notice that. I’ll take it back.MRS.LEE: One more present, and then we’ll havesome dessert. I have pie and An’s favorite carrotcake in the freezer.MEI: This gift is from Uncle Max.MR.LEE: You can bet it’ll be good. Max says thesalesperson claimed it was the best on the market.MEI: (Slightly forlorn, holding up an object to herhusband.) I think it’s a feather duster, don’t you?MRS.LEE: (Screaming from the kitchen.) Almosteverything’s melted in the freezer! It must havestopped working. That meat we bought for $100last week is all ruined. At least the pies and cakeare still good!MR.LEE: Don’t worry. The freezer is still underwarranty.AN: I really love this carrot cake. (He takes a biteand suddenly puts his hand to his mouth.) Ow!Something cut me!MRS.LEE: Are you all right, An?AN: (Removing something from his mouth.) A pieceof glass! How did that get there?MR.LEE: Your mouth is bleeding badly. Come on, I’lldrive you to the hospital.MEI: (To Bruce.) I guess the honeymoon’s over.1. Does Aunt Harriet have any legal recourse fromthe store for the damaged mirror? Do Mei andBruce have recourse from the store, even thoughthey did not purchase the mirror?2. Does the used clock that An bought from hisfriend’s neighbor have a warranty?3. What are the legal implications of the statement,“It’s the best feather duster on the market”?4. Does a freezer’s warranty cover replacing the foodspoiled as a result of a mechanical breakdown?5. What legal recourse does An have for the injuriesto his mouth?Chapter 14: The Importance of Warranties 293

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