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lllllllProposed duration of the corporationPurpose or purposes of the corporationNumber, classes, and value of corporate sharesShareholders’ rights in relation to shares, classes of shares, andspecial sharesAddress of the original registered or statutory agent (persondesignated to receive service of process should the corporationbe sued)Names and signatures of the initial directorsNames and signatures of the incorporatorsFigure 28.3ARTICLES OF INCORPORATIONof(Name of Corporation)The undersigned, desiring to form a corporation, for profit, under Sections1701.01 et seq. of the Revised Code of Ohio, do hereby certify:FIRST. The name of said corporation shall be.SECOND. The place in Ohio where its principal office is to be located is, County.(City, Village, or Township)THIRD. The purposes for which it is formed are:To engage in any or all other lawful acts or activities for which corporationsmay be formed under Sections 1701.01 to 1701.98, inclusive, of the OhioRevised Code.FOURTH. The number of shares that it is authorized to have outstandingis 750 common shares.FIFTH. The amount of stated capital with which the corporation shallbegin business is five hundred dollars ($500.00).IN WITNESS WHEREOF, We have hereunto subscribed our names, thisday of , 20 .(Name of Corporation)ARTICLES OF INCORPORATIONThe principles for creating a corporation areessentially the same in all states. What stateoffice processes applications for incorporation?Chapter 28: Forming and Financing a Corporation 611

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