Book Opener

Book Opener

Book Opener

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CHAPTERASSESSMENTAcquiring and Evaluating InformationContact a local attorney or use the Internet todetermine if your state requires the use of a seal.If so, write a paragraph about the following:12. What type of contracts require a seal.13. What a seal looks like, and how it mustbe applied.If your state does not require the use of aseal, research a state that does to determinethe answers.Repaying a DebtSeven years ago, Abdul borrowed $10,000from his friend Tony to open a business. Afteronly one year, Abdul sold his business and fledto another state. Although Tony tried severaltimes to collect his $10,000 from Abdul, he hasnot been successful.Debate14. Do you believe that Abdul owes Tony the$10,000 he borrowed to start his business?Under what circumstances might youranswer change?15. What factors do you consider mostimportant in evaluating this scenario?16. What steps can Tony take to ensure thereturn of his money?17. What are some of the advantages anddisadvantages to borrowing money fromfamily or friends?For the following cases, give your decision andstate a legal principle that applies.18. Carrie Johnson agreed to let Richard Frankuse her truck for a move from Bellville toCenterberg. There was no understandingthat Frank would pay Johnson for using thetruck. Johnson later refused to let Frankuse the truck. Is there a breach of contractin this case? Why or why not?19. Horace Kushner was injured in an accidentwith Vic Ling. Kushner promises not to sueif Ling promises to pay $1,000. Ling agrees.Is Ling legally bound to his promise?20. Tammy Carson’s car runs out of gas. NedGrover, driving by, sees Carson and offersto tow her car to the next service station.Carson accepts the offer. After they reachthe service station, Carson tells Grover shewill send him a check for $25 for hiskindness. Is she legally bound to do so?Why or why not?21. Lisa Lowe takes her car to the BrowningGarage and agrees to pay $75 for a tuneup.Before the job is completed, Lowe tellsthe owner, “I’ll pay you $10 extra if you doa good job.” Is Lowe bound to her promise?Explain your answer.22. Carmen Sanchez’s debt to Bernie Martin isdue on June 1. On May 20, Martin signs awritten promise to give Sanchez an additionaltwo months to pay the debt. Is thispromise binding? Why or why not?23. Demi Grayson works for Viorst Caterers.Grayson’s doctor has recommended thatshe have surgery. If she has the surgery, shewill be unable to work for a month. Theowner and president of Viorst says, “Don’tworry, your job here is safe. When you’rewell enough, come back.” When Graysonreturns one month later, she is fired fortaking so much time off. Explain the legaltheory that might give Grayson a cause ofaction against Viorst.182 Unit 2: Entering Into Contracts

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