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Domestic ViolenceUnfortunately, domestic abuse sometimes occurs in a marriage. Victims ofdomestic abuse may pursue several legal options to address the situation. Onesuch option involves filing a criminal complaint against the abuser with thelocal prosecutor’s office.Suing the abuser in civil court for damages related to injuries received isalso an option. When someone harms another, the harmful act is called a tort.Torts include the act of battery or the unlawful use of bodily force againstanother. In the case of domestic abuse, the abuser may be subject topunishment in both criminal and civil courts.In the past, most states did not allow family members to sue each other fortorts. The idea was that this might lead to a breakdown in family relationships.Today, almost all states allow such civil suits to be filed against family members.Some states still prohibit family members from suing each other except in thecase of intentional torts. The courts nearly always view acts of domesticviolence as intentional torts. As such, lawsuits against the abuser are usuallyallowed to proceed.Conduct Research Using the library or the Internet, find out more about legalhelp available to victims of domestic abuse.lllThe right to property if the marriage endsThe right to compensation to continue your standard of living if themarriage endsThe right to file a joint income tax return676 Unit 7: Planning for the FutureMost employers also give certain rights to their employees’ spouses.These rights normally include health insurance coverage and retirementbenefits.The primary duty that arises from the marriage contract is the dutyof being faithful to your spouse. This duty cannot be relinquished, evenby agreement. Other duties, in general, flow from the rights previouslydiscussed. If your spouse has the right to receive support, for example,then you have the duty to provide it.All people, married or not, must refrain from causing bodily harmto those they live with. In addition, both parents, whether married ornot, have the duty to support their children.

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