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In each case that follows, you be the judge.25. Restrictive IndorsementHolland Farms wrote a check payable to the order of La Sara Grain Company in the amount of$62,000. The check was indorsed by La Sara Grain Company “For deposit only” and taken to thebank by the company’s general manager, Harold Jones. The bank deposited $40,000 of the checkinto Jones’s personal account and $22,000 into La Sara Grain Company’s account. Does La SaraGrain Company have recourse against the bank for the loss of the $40,000? Why or why not?La Sara Grain v. First National Bank of Mercedes, 673 S.W.2d 558 (TX).26. Special IndorsementHumberto Decorators, Inc., a general contracting firm, renovated the Restaurant ArgentinoTango, Inc. for an agreed price of $27,415. When the work was completed, a check for thecontract price was given to the restaurant by the Plaza National Bank as part of the proceedsof a loan. The check was payable to the order of Humberto Decorators, Inc. Instead of deliveringit to the contractor, the restaurant deposited the check in its own bank account at thePlaza National Bank. Humberto Decorators, Inc. never received the money. May it recoverthe money from the bank? Why or why not?Humberto Decorators, Inc. v. Plaza National Bank, 434 A.2d 618 (NJ).A Victim of TheftIdentity theft is the fastest growing crime inAmerica, affecting approximately 900,000 newvictims each year. You need to take precautions toprotect yourself from this crime.ConnectUsing a variety of search engines:27. Locate information about identity theft,including how to protect yourself and what todo if you are a victim of this crime.28. Predict What do you think Melanie shoulddo now that she has lost three checks?29. Connect Have you ever received a checkfrom someone? If yes, how did youindorse it?30. Question Must the indorsement be placedon the back of the instrument? Why orwhy not?31. Respond Why do you think retail storesstamp checks for deposit only when theyare received?Chapter 25: Transferring Negotiable Instruments 557

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