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CanadaAt the University of Montreal in December 1989, tragedy struck. One man witha gun took the lives of 14 young women. Known as the Massacre of Montreal, thereis a commemoration each year near the scene of the crime.l Pass a Canadian Firearms Safety Course test.l Obtain a renewable firearms license for restricted (handguns) and nonrestricted(rifles and shotguns) firearms and ammunition.l Register for each firearm acquired.l Obtain permission from the Chief Firearms Officer before selling or giving afirearm to someone else.These provisions were implemented to decrease criminal offenses, keep firearmsaway from dangerous people, confiscate dangerous firearms from privateownership and businesses, and regulate the sale, use, transportation, and storage offirearms. “Prevention = Public Safety,” reasons one Canadian firearms manual.Here’s a snapshot of Canada.Geographical area 3,849,670 sq. mi.Population 31,902,268CapitalOttawaLegal systemBased on Englishcommon law, exceptin Quebec, where civillaw system based onFrench law prevailsLanguageEnglish, FrenchReligion46% Roman Catholic, 36% ProtestantLife expectancy 80 yearsCritical Thinking Question Gun control is as controversial in the United States as it isin Canada. Many citizens are adamant about defending their right to bear arms,but others feel that strict gun control would greatly reduce the nation’s rate of violentcrime. The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution states that it’s “theright of the people to keep and bear arms.” The Constitution was drafted in 1787;do you think that the Second Amendment is still relevant in the twenty-first century?For more information on Canada, visit ubpl.glencoe.com or your local library.364 Unit 3: Understanding Consumer Law

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