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Laws RegulatingEmploymentDiscriminationDiscriminationIn the second half of the twentieth century, the federal governmenttook steps to make the law as fair as possible in the area of employmentopportunities. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act was an important step inthis direction. Other steps include the Age Discrimination in EmploymentAct, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the Pregnancy DiscriminationAct (see Figure 21.3). Many of these laws and regulationswere the result of unethical practices. We will examine how these actsregulate employment opportunities to discourage discrimination ,which is the unequal treatment of individuals based on sex, age, race,nationality, or religion.The Civil Rights Act of 1964Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination inemployment based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin (seeFigure 21.4). These five categories, along with age, are often referredto as protected classes.Discrimination occurswhen employment relateddecisions are made basedupon any combination ofthese protected characteristics.Employees whobelieve they have beenEQUAL EMPLOYMENTOPPORTUNITIESThe federal and stategovernments have passedlaws that attempt to makeemployment opportunitiesas open as possible for allpeople. What types ofemployment opportunitieshave been opened forpeople because of the CivilRights Act of 1964?l How to definediscriminationl How to identify theobjective of theCivil Rights Actl How to identify thegoal of the AgeDiscrimination inEmployment Actl How to explain themission of theAmericans withDisabilities ActYou need to knowthe laws that outlawemployment discriminationto be able toidentify instances ofdiscrimination.l discriminationl disparate treatmentl bona fide occupationalqualification (BFOQ)l disparate impactl business necessityl quid pro quoharassmentl hostile workenvironmentl disabilityChapter 21: Employment Protection and Equal Opportunity 465

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