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Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can ... - WordPress.com


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853/929and Social Psychology 97, no. 2 (2009):322–33.30. tragedy <strong>of</strong> a bold and exuberant temperament:Gallagher, I.D., 46–50.31. dubbed “the orchid hypothesis”: DavidDobbs, “<strong>The</strong> Science <strong>of</strong> Success,” <strong>The</strong> Atlanticmagaz<strong>in</strong>e, 2009. See also Jay Belskyet al., “Vulnerability Genes or PlasticityGenes?” Molecular Psychiatry, 2009: 1–9;Michael Pluess and Jay Belsky, “DifferentialSusceptibility to Rear<strong>in</strong>g Experience: <strong>The</strong>Case <strong>of</strong> Childcare,” <strong>The</strong> Journal <strong>of</strong> Child Psychologyand Psychiatry 50, no. 4 (2009):396–404; Pluess and Belsky, “DifferentialSusceptibility to Rear<strong>in</strong>g Experience: Parent<strong>in</strong>gand Quality Child Care,” DevelopmentalPsychology 46, no. 2 (2010): 379–90;Jay Belsky and Michael Pluess, “BeyondDiathesis Stress: Differential Susceptibilityto Environmental Influences,” PsychologicalBullet<strong>in</strong> 135, no. 6 (2009): 885–908; BruceJ. Ellis and W. Thomas Boyce, “Biological

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