Why Did They Become Muslims

WHY DID THEY BECOME MUSLIMS? The book Why Did They Become Muslims consists of 3 sections. Section I is a book of Islam and Christianity. Information about Prophets, books, religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) is given, conditions of being a true Muslim are explained, the words of those filled with admiration for Islam and the lives of 42 people who being a member of other religions chose Islam are narrated. Section II is a book of the Qur’an-ı Karîm and the Torah and the Bibles as of Today. Information about today’s Torah and Bibles is given, errors in the Bible are explained; that the Qur’an-ı Karîm is the last and unchangeable book is explained scientifically. Besides, explained are miracles, virtues, moral practices and habits of Muhammad ´alayhissalâm. Section III is a book of Islam and Other Religions. That Islam is not a religion of savageness, that a true Muslim is not ignorant, that there can be no philosophy in Islam are explained along with explanations of primitive religions and celestial religions.


The book Why Did They Become Muslims consists of 3 sections. Section I is a book of Islam and Christianity. Information about Prophets, books, religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) is given, conditions of being a true Muslim are explained, the words of those filled with admiration for Islam and the lives of 42 people who being a member of other religions chose Islam are narrated. Section II is a book of the Qur’an-ı Karîm and the Torah and the Bibles as of Today. Information about today’s Torah and Bibles is given, errors in the Bible are explained; that the Qur’an-ı Karîm is the last and unchangeable book is explained scientifically. Besides, explained are miracles, virtues, moral practices and habits of Muhammad ´alayhissalâm. Section III is a book of Islam and Other Religions. That Islam is not a religion of savageness, that a true Muslim is not ignorant, that there can be no philosophy in Islam are explained along with explanations of primitive religions and celestial religions.


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of these acts is to begin from the right-hand side and to use the<br />

right hand when you are to do something useful, such as building<br />

a house, eating, drinking, sitting down, standing up, [going to bed,]<br />

putting on your clothes, using tools, etc. It is not dalâlat (deviation<br />

from Islam) not to observe this kind of sunnat or to observe acts of<br />

custom established in the course of time after the establishment of<br />

Islam and which are termed bid’at in convention, e.g. using new<br />

gadgets such as sieves, spoons, etc. Acts of this sort are not sinful.”<br />

Hence, it is permissible to eat meals at a table, to use forks and<br />

spoons, to sleep on comfortable beds, to use radios, television sets,<br />

tape recorders at conferences, in schools, during classes of ethics<br />

and science, to use all sorts of transportation, and to utilize<br />

technical facilities such as spectacles and calculators. These things<br />

are within the area of bid’at in convention. Something that was<br />

established afterwards is called bid’at. It is harâm (forbidden) to<br />

use things and inventions that are within the area of bid’at in<br />

convention in committing acts that are harâm. There is detailed<br />

information in the (Turkish) books Se’âdet-i Ebediyye (Endless<br />

Bliss) and Islâm Ahlâk› (Ethics of Islam) about using radios, loudspeakers<br />

and tape recorders during prayers of namâz, azân<br />

(adhân), preaches and khutbas. It is a grave sin to invent bid’ats or<br />

to make even the slightest alteration in the acts of worship. Jihâd,<br />

Holy War, is an act of worship. And it is not an act of bid’at to use<br />

all sorts of technical implementations in a war. On the contrary, it<br />

brings about many blessings. For it is a commandment of Islam to<br />

use all sorts of scientific media in a war. It is necessary to invent<br />

facilities that will be helpful in performing acts of worship. Yet it is<br />

an act of bid’at to invent facilities that will encourage forbidden<br />

acts or to invent any changes in worships. For instance, it is<br />

necessary to climb the minaret to call the azân (adhân, the call to<br />

prayer). Yet it is an act of bid’at to call the azân through a loudspeaker.<br />

For it is not a commandment (of Islam) to call it through<br />

an implementation. The commandment dictates that human voice<br />

should be used in calling it. Moreover, Rasûlullah ‘sall-Allâhu<br />

ta’âlâ ’alaihi wa sallam’ prohibited to announce the prayer times or<br />

to perform other acts of worship by ringing bells, sounding horns,<br />

or playing musical instruments.]<br />

40– Rasûlullah ‘sall-Allâhu ’alaihi wa sallam’ would not grow<br />

his beard longer than one handful. He would have it shortened<br />

when it exceeded that limit. [It is sunnat to keep your beard one<br />

handful long. And it is wâjib to do so in places where it is<br />

customary for men to have a beard. It is sunnat to shorten it when<br />

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