coal trade bulletin - Clpdigital.org

coal trade bulletin - Clpdigital.org

coal trade bulletin - Clpdigital.org


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tilled with a mighty zeal, are revolting against the<br />

benevolent despotism established in their respective<br />

communities.<br />

It is but natural that those seeking relief from<br />

intolerable conditions would turn for help to those<br />

of their fellow-men upon whose sympathy and<br />

support they can rely. The oppressed of all lands<br />

and all ages have acted thus, and so the nonunion<br />

miners, in their hour of need, turned instinctively<br />

to their <strong>org</strong>anized fellow-workers<br />


To whom else could they go? What other force<br />

or power is available? Would the church espouse<br />

their cause, and if it did, would it furnish<br />

the money necessary to clothe the naked and feed<br />

the hungry while the fight was being made?<br />

Would civic bodies or fraternal societies come to<br />

their rescue? Would those politicians who promise<br />

much and perform so little be friends indeed<br />

in their hour of need? To all these questions<br />

there is but one answer.<br />

Experience has taught the workers that they<br />

must rely upon their own economic power. Substantial<br />

help may come from friends without who<br />

are in sympathy with their aims and objects and,<br />

while much help has come from this source, they<br />

have learned that the solution lies within and<br />

does not come from without. In the fight for<br />

better homes, educated children, shorter hours of<br />

labor, a higher standard of living, culture, refinement,<br />

intellectual and moral development, they<br />

must rely upon those for financial and moral support,<br />

who, like themselves, have been oppressed,<br />

but through <strong>org</strong>anization and united effort have<br />

in a measure secured, though at no less sacrifice,<br />

the rights and liberties for which they are nowcontending.<br />

The point I wish to emphasize is, that we have<br />

helped in West Virginia, Colorado and elsewhere<br />

in response to a call from the non-union men of<br />

these fields.<br />


brutal anarchistic agitators, as some of the enemies<br />

of <strong>org</strong>anized labor say we are, seeking a<br />

monopoly of labor in violation of law. While,<br />

of course, not wholly unselfish, we are and have<br />

been in a large measure altruistic. We have<br />

spent much money and sacrificed a. great deal.<br />

If we were selfish and only self-concerned we would<br />

keep our money and save our energy. But not so;<br />

we have gone as helpers, responding to appeals<br />

from those less fortunate, without regard to color,<br />

creed or nationality. On account of the strong<br />

opposition of the <strong>coal</strong> operators and their friends<br />

in the non-union fields we have been forced to<br />

spend large sums of money. During the year 1912<br />

we have spent $706,225.20 and for 1913 $1,621,-<br />

942.67 for relief alone, a total for the two years<br />

of $2,32S,167.87.<br />

The amount spent for aid for the year 1913 was<br />

distributed as follows:<br />

District No. 7 $ 600.00<br />

District No. 8 9,400.00<br />

District No. 10 20.000.00<br />

District No. 13 986.43<br />

District No. 15 661,000.00<br />

District No. 17 318,600.00<br />

District No. 17 (tax refunded) 6,924.83<br />

District No. 19 6,707.75<br />

District No. 20 4,134.16<br />

District No. 23 8,500.00<br />

District No. 28 584.5O0.oo<br />

Total $1,621,353.17<br />

Aid to individuals 589.50<br />

Grand total $1,621,942.67<br />

Added to this is $9,840.14 expended for legal<br />

services made necessary by reason of<br />


and defense of civil and criminal proceedings instituted<br />

against various officers and representatives<br />

of the <strong>org</strong>anization.<br />

On November 30, 1912, we had a balance on<br />

hand of $221,262.05. Our income during the year<br />

was $2,159,031.69, making a total of $2,380,293.74.<br />

Our total expenditures were $2,102,261.44, leaving<br />

a balance on hand November 30, 1913, of $278,-<br />

032.30, a gain over last year of $56,770.25.<br />

On September 23, 1913, fhe mine workers of<br />

Colorado were practically forced on strike. Just<br />

preceding this action we had expended in West<br />

Virginia on account of the strike on Cabin Creek,<br />

Paint Creek and New River more than $300,000.00.<br />

Because of this additional financial demand made<br />

upon our International treasury caused by the<br />

Colorado strike, we were forced to borrow $300,000<br />

from the following district <strong>org</strong>anizations for our<br />

immediate use:<br />

District No. 1 $25,000.00<br />

District No. 2 25,000.00<br />

District No. 5 25,000.00<br />

District No. 9 25,000.00<br />

District No. 12 100,000.00<br />

District No. 14 50,000.00<br />

District No. 21 25,000.00<br />

District. No. 22 25,000.00<br />

We have helped others financially as well<br />

to carry on our own strikes. During the year<br />

we contributed $4,032.00 to the legal defense fund<br />

in the Hatters' case. In addition we supplied<br />

the Western Federation of Miners more than $20,-<br />

000 to aid them in their strike in the copper district<br />

of Michigan.

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