coal trade bulletin - Clpdigital.org

coal trade bulletin - Clpdigital.org

coal trade bulletin - Clpdigital.org


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stated the motion to adopt the report of the committee<br />

seemed to be carried. A roll call was<br />

asked for by a number of delegates.<br />

The chairman asked that all delegates who desired<br />

a roll call stand and be counted. A count<br />

was made by the usual tellers and the announcement<br />

made that 250 delegates had asked for the<br />

roll call.<br />

President White—Under the rules of the house<br />

it takes 300 to demand a roll call.<br />

Delegate Bittner. secretary of the committee—<br />

The committee recommends that Section 32 of<br />

Article IX be amended by striking out the words<br />

"cause their report to be printed in the official<br />

Journal" on lines 3 and 4, and insert "make a<br />

report of receipts and disbursements and the<br />

secretary-treasurer shall have their reports printed<br />

and a copy be sent to each local union." Adopted.<br />

Delegate Bittner—The committee will report on<br />

each part of Section 1, Article X. The committee<br />

recommends that this section be changed to<br />

read as follows: "The salary of the president shall<br />

be $4,000 per annum."<br />

Delegate Howat, president District No. 14, in<br />

the chair.<br />

Lengthy debate was had on the question, and a<br />

resolution to decrease the salary was brought forward<br />

in the discussion.<br />

Delegate Helm, District 5, opposed the request<br />

made in resolution that the salary of the president<br />

be decreased.<br />

A viva voce vote was taken on the motion to<br />

adopt the report of the committee to<br />


of the president to $4,000 per annum. The<br />

chairman stated he was in doubt and asked for a<br />

rising vote. A rising vote was had on both the<br />

affirmative and the negative. The chair stated<br />

he was still in doubt and asked for a count.<br />

A rising vote was taken, the usual tellers counted<br />

the vote, and the announcement was made that<br />

534 votes had been cast in the affirmative and 513<br />

in the negative.<br />

Chairman Howat—By your vote you have raised<br />

the salary of the president to $4,000.<br />

A number of delegates asked for a roll call.<br />

Chairman Howat asked that every one be seated,<br />

that order be maintained, and if 300 or more delegates<br />

asked for a roll call it would be granted,<br />

as provided in the rules of the convention.<br />

A rising vote was taken on the question of the<br />

roll call, and the chairman stated he was satisfied<br />

that more than 300 delegates were in favor of<br />

calling the roll.<br />

Chairman Howat suggested that the roll be<br />

called during the afternoon session, as it was nearing<br />

the hour for adjournment.<br />

The afternoon session was opened with Chairman<br />

Howat presiding.<br />

Delegate Houston District 11—Mr. Chairman<br />

and Delegates: Recognizing the fact that there is<br />

nothing before the house except the roll call, but<br />

realizing the tremendous expense that is attached<br />

thereto, I move you that this entire section of<br />

our constitution be resubmitted to the Committee<br />

on Constitution, wih the hope that they may bring<br />

in a more favorable report. (Seconded).<br />

Delegate Wallis, District 14, spoke in favor of<br />

the motion if it could be amended to include referring<br />

back to the committee the section dealing<br />

with the appointment of traveling auditors.<br />

Chairman Farrington, of the committee, spoke<br />

in favor of the motion offered by Delegate Houston.<br />

After a brief discussion and much disorder the<br />

motion offered by Delegate Houston was laid upon<br />

the table.<br />

The International auditors proceeded with the<br />

roll call. The roll call not being completed at<br />

5 o'clock, an adjournment was taken to 9, Jan, 29.<br />

The roll call was not completed until 11 a. m..<br />

Jan. 29, and it was late in the afternoon when<br />

the tellers announced the<br />


increasing the president's salary had been adopted<br />

by a vote of 1,756 ayes to 1,694 noes.<br />

Vice President Hayes announced the adoption<br />

of the Ohio mine-run bill by the senate of that<br />

state and in response to a request for a statement<br />

Secretary Green said:<br />

"I have nothing further to add to what Vice-<br />

President Hayes has already said, except to say<br />

that my absence from this convention for the last<br />

two or three days has been for the purpose ot<br />

fighting for the miners of Ohio on the floor of the<br />

Ohio legislature for a mine-run bill. I am glad<br />

to say that yesterday afternoon, after a most<br />

heated debate and a hard fight by those who were<br />

opposed to this measure, the bill was adopted by a<br />

vote of 22 to 6. The bill has been messaged to<br />

the other branch of the general assembly today,<br />

and I am confident, and will stake my reputation<br />

as a prophet whose prophecies always come true,<br />

that this bill will pass the lower branch just as<br />

decisively as it passed the upper branch: and<br />

when it is passed the governor of Ohio will sign<br />

the bill. And so with the passage of this measure<br />

one great principle that the hoary-headed United<br />

Mine Workers of Ohio have been battling for for<br />

25 years will become a realization."<br />

In the meantime resolutions changing the time<br />

of holding the elections of officers were under consideration<br />

and one providing for the elections in<br />

the second week of December, instead of the second<br />

Tuesday in December, brought out considerable<br />

debate, and resulted in a verbal clash between<br />

President Bitner and Delegate Robinson of<br />

District 5. But the effort to effect a change was<br />


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