coal trade bulletin - Clpdigital.org

coal trade bulletin - Clpdigital.org

coal trade bulletin - Clpdigital.org


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plosives. After the declaration of a truce, agreed<br />

to between the Governor and Hawkins, attorney<br />

for the United Mine Workers of America, they<br />

drove away the postmaster and others from the<br />

Sunnyside mine and took possession of it as well<br />

as the Pictou mine. They dynamited the tipple<br />

at the McLaughlin mine and fired many shots into<br />

the ouildings at Maitland.<br />

"They forcibly entered the store buildings at<br />

Rockvale and Rock Creek and carried aw-ay<br />


They attacked the buildings and dwelling houses<br />

at the Chandler mine and kept a merciless fire<br />

from the hills for nearly 40 hours, killing one<br />

man, and finally took possession of the camp by<br />

slipping in a number of men under a white flag.<br />

They have burned, dynamited and completely destroyed<br />

the McNally mine in Huerfano county,<br />

kept up an almost continuous fire from entrenchments<br />

for 50 hours upon the Walsen mine, wounded<br />

one woman, killed and wounded four men and<br />

killed a surgeon wearing Red Cross insignia while<br />

attending wounded soldiers on the field. They<br />

viciously attacked the Hecla mine in Boulder<br />

county, killed one and wounded three men and<br />

drove all employes and their families to cover<br />

for many hours. They attacked the Forbes mine<br />

in Las Animas county with a force of 400 armed<br />

men, killed seven miners, including four Japanese,<br />

and burned everything in sight, including a stable<br />

and 33 mules.<br />

"In the prosecution of their campaign of extermination<br />

the foregoing are some of tbe things<br />

those men have done during the past few days<br />

with the tacit consent, active co-operation and<br />

under the personal direction and control of officers<br />

and paid agents of the United Mine Workers.<br />

"As before stated, the <strong>coal</strong> mine operators of<br />

this state have now in their employ about 10,000<br />

men who are satisfied with the condition of their<br />

employment. We promised these men protection<br />

from personal violence when the strike was called,<br />

and they have stood loyally by their employers<br />

under the most trying circumstances, disregarding<br />

the dangers and privations incident to the recent<br />

armed attacks of the strikers upon them and<br />

upon their homes. With these men we will always<br />

treat concerning matters affecting their welfare;<br />

but we cannot enter into negotiations of<br />

any character with officers and agents of the<br />

United Mine Workeis of America, who alone are<br />

responsible for the terrible reign of disorder and<br />

bloodshed which has disgraced this state.<br />

"Instead of it being our duty so to do. we conceive<br />

it rather to be the duty of the officials of the<br />

United Mine Workers of America, who called the<br />

strike, to call it off. They can do so if they see<br />

fit, and by doing so they will within an hour in a<br />

great measure<br />


and prosperity to this state. In no event will the<br />

American people when fully advised long permit<br />

1,200 or 1,500 armed strikers to continue their<br />

unlawful efforts to prevent 10,000 law-abiding and<br />

industrious men from working for, whom, when<br />

and upon such terms as they see fit."<br />

Colorado Fuel & Iron Co., by J. F. Welborn,<br />

president: Rocky Mountain Fuel Co., by David<br />

XV. Brown, vice president; Victor-American Fuel<br />

Co., by G. F. Bartlett, Jr., vice president; Oakdale<br />

Coal Co.. by William B. Lewis, president; South<br />

Canon Coal Co., by H. F. Nash, general manager;<br />

Primrose Coal Co., by H. B. King, president; The<br />

Rugby Fuel Co., by Ge<strong>org</strong>e D. Kimball, general<br />

manager; The Huerfano Coal Co., by S. S. Murphy,<br />

president; Consolidated Coal & Coke Co., by C. L.<br />

Baum; Routt County Fuel Co., by F. L. Prentiss,<br />

president; Yampa Valley Coal Co., by P. M. Peltier,<br />

president: Hayden Bros. (Juniper mine), by<br />

Lewis A. Hayden; Empire Coal Mining Co., by<br />

Marthene and Siple; Southwestern Fuel Co., by<br />

S. W. Siple, president; The National Fuel Co., by<br />

H. Van Mater, president; The Royal Fuel Co.. by<br />

H. Van Mater, president; The Union Coal & Coke<br />

Co., by J. V. Bowen, president; Moffatt Coal Co.,<br />

by S. M. Perry, president; Leyden Coal Co., by S.<br />

M. Perry, president.<br />

The following telegram was then sent:<br />

J. F. Welborn, President Colorado Fuel & Iron Co.:<br />

Wil you kindly tell <strong>coal</strong> operators that 1 have<br />

read their telegram of yesterday describing recent,<br />

disturbances. Inform them that I am anxious<br />

for an arbitration regardless of who is to<br />

blame. National sentiment demands a settlement<br />

of the controversy. Many causes for discontent<br />

are claimed to exist. The deplorable condition<br />

set forth in their telegram should convince them<br />

that it is their duty to agree to submit the matter<br />

to a fair board of arbitration so as to stop the<br />

loss of life and destruction of property on both<br />

sides. (Signed) MARTIN D. FOSTER.<br />

Washington, May 1, 1914.<br />

In reply this message was received:<br />

Hon. M. D. Foster:<br />

"In connection with and as supplementing<br />

operators' teelgram to you last night permit us to<br />

call your attention to the fact that on Nov. 26<br />

last in the governor's office, a conference was held<br />

among three of the operators and representatives<br />

of their former employes then on strike. It developed<br />

in the conference that the only<br />


was the strikers' insistence upon recognition of<br />

the union.<br />

(Continued on Page 55)

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