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coal trade bulletin - Clpdigital.org

coal trade bulletin - Clpdigital.org


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his knowledge of the wants of one mining town<br />

may not fit another. There are some who are not<br />

adverse to overstocking.<br />

Commissary managers are only human; if the<br />

management requires a certain per cent, of profit<br />

on each year's business it is only natural that he<br />

prefer to inventory old stock at full value than to<br />

sell below cost—thus making a poorer show.<br />

Often a new manager finds himself saddled with a<br />

quantity of old stock. If he cleans up this his<br />

first year's earnings may possibly show no profit;<br />

yet, the owner is the gainer, as the old stock decreases<br />

in value rapidly after the first year.<br />

I have known some articles to be kept in stock<br />

and on the inventory as many as ten years at the<br />

original cost when, as a matter of fact, much<br />

could hardly be given away.<br />

The only remedy- 1 know* of for these conditions<br />

is to have the date of purchase put opposite doubtful<br />

articles on the inventory, or, better still to<br />

have personal inspection by a competent higher<br />

official.<br />

Do not look so much at the per cent, of earnings<br />

as compared to sales; lay more stress on the total<br />

net profit. Very often a reduction in price will<br />

increase the volume of sales so that there is a<br />

greater profit on the year's business. This is<br />

the department store method.<br />

Too manj of our sales are staples. These can<br />

only stand small profits. Look into the possibilities<br />

in your store for other lines.<br />

Do not ask your superintendents, mine foremen<br />

or office force to<br />


Have it distinctly understood that there is no compulsion<br />

to <strong>trade</strong> in your store. A man's place in<br />

the mine must not be dependent, directly or indirectly,<br />

on his <strong>trade</strong>.<br />

Encourage salesmanship by keeping separate<br />

records of each clerk's sales, and pay him accordingly.<br />

By this method the good men do not have<br />

to average with the lazy clerk, and you can weed<br />

out the latter. Cash registers protect honest<br />

clerks and the owners from dishonest clerks. Educate<br />

your customers, by your prices, to buy in<br />

bulk, not for each meal.<br />

Do not substitute, and do not let the houses<br />

from whom you buy substitute. One of the hardest<br />

things we had to contend with was to break<br />

our wholesale men from substitution and overshipment<br />

on orders.<br />

Let us all keep open to new ideas, search for<br />

new devices which will lessen labor and legitimately<br />

increase profits.<br />

I had hoped to incorporate in this paper a table<br />

showing comparative prices on 35 staple commodities<br />

in commissaries and outside stores. Sufficient<br />

time, however, was not allowed me to secure this<br />


data. I believe it would show interesting comparisons.<br />

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that the<br />

commissary store is a necessity at a large number<br />

of our mines; but it must be conducted in a<br />

broad-minded manner, and according to presentday<br />

ideas.<br />

*» PERSONAL !•<br />

J-^l--_~-~„„„„--_~-_-_-_^_ „-__~_~ „^__/_iL<br />

A recent addition to the staff of the centrifugal<br />

pump department of the A. S. Cameron Steam<br />

Pump Works, New York, is Mr. C. V. Kerr, the <strong>org</strong>anizer<br />

of the Kerr Turbine Co., and later with<br />

McEwen Bros., of Wellsville, New York. Mr.<br />

Kerr delivered an interesting address with stereoptican<br />

views on "A New Centrifugal Pump with<br />

Helical Impeller" at the monthly meeting of the<br />

American Society of Mechanical Engineers, at its<br />

rooms, New York City, Nov. 11.<br />

Mr. J. J, Stoker, assistant superintendent of the<br />

Cambria Steel Co.'s mining department at Johnstown,<br />

Pa., has been appointed a state mine inspector<br />

and on the 15th of the present month assumed<br />

the duties of his new position. Mr. Stoker<br />

for the present will take the place of Mr. Chauncey<br />

B. Ross, of Latrobe, who has been unable to<br />

attend to his duties for some time on account of<br />

illness.<br />

Dr. Aubrey Strahan, F.R.S., has been appointed<br />

Director of the Geological Survey of Great Britain,<br />

in succession to Dr. J. J. H. Teall, who retires<br />

Jan. 5 next. Dr. Strahan is president of the Geological<br />

society, and was a member of the Royal<br />

Commission on Coal supplies.<br />

Mr. William H. Godwin has resigned as general<br />

sales manager of the Carnegie Coal Co. and has<br />

associated himself with the sales department of<br />

the Berwind Fuel Co., Plymouth building, Minneapolis,<br />

under Mr. E. S. Kendrick, northwestern<br />

sales manager.<br />

Mr. James H. Sourtielcl, superintendent of the<br />

Quemahoning Creek Coal Co. mines at Harrison,<br />

Pa., has tendered his resignation. He left for<br />

Johnstown to take personal charge of a grocery<br />

store which he recently purchased.<br />

Mr. D. S. Williams, superintendent of the Sunday<br />

Creek Co., at Jacksonville, 0., recently celebrated<br />

the 73rd anniversary of his birth. He is<br />

one of the oldest mine superintendents in the<br />

state.<br />

Mr. Ge<strong>org</strong>e Watkin Evans, consulting <strong>coal</strong> mining<br />

engineer of Seattle, Wash., has completed the<br />

examination of the Matanuska <strong>coal</strong> field of Alaska<br />

for the United States Navy.

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